Taxonomic Concept Transfer Schema

On this wiki you can find various protoype development versions and a Draft Standard of the Taxonomic Concept Schema as developed at Napier University as a proposal for a TDWG standard. Linked pages include documentation, links to related documents and, most importantly, discussion by the taxonomic community.

OutstandingIssues which have not been incorporated into the ReleaseVersion



DraftStandard and related discussion

Earlier Development work on the Schema

Who We Are at Napier

Development of the Taxonomic Concept Schema has been carried out by members of the Napier University School of Computing in Edinburgh, lead by Professor Kennedy together with RobertKukla and with some later involvement of TrevorPaterson. This work originated from the requirements of the SEEK Taxon Group, for the development of a Taxon Name/Concept resolution service for accessing ecological data. The project has been funded jointly by SEEK and GBIF as part of TDWG. Invaluable contributions to the development of the schema have originated from many individuals within the SEEK Taxon Group, from discussions with a wide range of Taxonomic Data Providers (including GBIF, IOPI, IPNI, ITIS, Nomencurator, Species 2000, Taxonomer, Vegbank) and from the keen interest and participation of a variety of taxonomists worldwide; this is reflected and acknowledged where possible on the various discussion pages on this site.