What/how should GUID be?
Relevance of GUID to the TCS is unclear in that whether GUID is a part of TCS, or something should be defined outside of TCS. GUIDs of concepts, not of data entries, are also uncler. Is there specification of GUID? -- JamesYtow 06-Sep.-2004
GUID specification is not part of TCS, TCS has the ability to transfer GUIDs for concepts, publications, Specimen Vouchers and RelationshipAssertions if these exist. It is hoped that there will be discussion of GUIDs in New Zealand for those lucky enough to go :-( -- TrevorPaterson 06 September
TCS requires GUID (is it right understanding of id attribute of elements?), but GUID is not defined in TCS. If the attribute id is unspecified in TCS, it shouldn't be required, should it? -- JamesYtow 06-Sep.-2004
No, I think you misunderstood the id attribute. The only requirement for it is to be unique within the document (apart from some restrictions wrt to allowed characters etc). Optionally it can be a GUID (which is a much stronger requirement: globally unique). If this is the case there may also be a resolution service that can return the record for the particular concept. If this is also the case than it might be sufficient in certain scenarios to just transmit the GUID, as the actual data can be retrieved as required. The schema allows for either of these options and it depends on the intended purpose which one gets used. --RobertKukla 7/9/04
Thanks! Is id's unqueness within the document stated in the document? I couldn't find it, but I may miss it. --JamesYtow 08-Sep.-2004
Because the four id s are defined as 'keys' they must be unique within any document validating to the schema (this rule is enforced by a validating parser): e.g.
<xs:key name="AssertionID">
<xs:selector xpath="./RelationshipAssertions/RelationshipAssertion"/> <xs:field xpath="@id"/>
-- TrevorPaterson 080904