XML Schema Documentation

Table of Contents


Schema Document Properties

Target Namespace http://www.tdwg.org/schemas/tcs/1.00
Element and Attribute Namespaces
  • Global element and attribute declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local element declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local attribute declarations have no namespace.

Declared Namespaces

Prefix Namespace
Default namespace http://www.tdwg.org/schemas/tcs/1.00
xml http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace
xs http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
Schema Component Representation
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://www.tdwg.org/schemas/tcs/1.00" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">

Global Declarations

Element: DataSet

Name DataSet
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Root element of the data set.
XML Instance Representation
Key Constraint - NameObjectID
Selector - ./NameObjects/NameObject
Field(s) - @id
Key Constraint - AssertionID
Selector - ./RelationshipAssertions/RelationshipAssertion
Field(s) - @id
Key Constraint - ConceptID
Selector - ./TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept
Field(s) - @id
Key Constraint - VoucherID
Selector - ./Vouchers/Voucher
Field(s) - @id
Key Constraint - PublicationID
Selector - ./Publications/Publication
Field(s) - @id

<MetaData> [0..1] ?
<Simple> xs:string </Simple> [1] ?
<MetaDataDetailed> PlaceholderType </MetaDataDetailed> [0..1] ?
<Vouchers> [0..1] ?
id=" xs:token [1] ?"> [0..*] ?
Start Sequence [0..1]
<Simple> xs:string </Simple> [1]
identifier=" xs:token [1]"> [0..1] ?
Start Sequence [0..1]
<InstitutionName> xs:string </InstitutionName> [1]
<Code> xs:string </Code> [0..1]
<Address> xs:string </Address> [0..1]
<Phone> xs:string </Phone> [0..1]
<URL> xs:string </URL> [0..1]
<Email> xs:string </Email> [0..1]
End Sequence
Allow any attributes from any namespace (lax validation).

identifier=" xs:token [1] ?"> [0..1] ?
<-- Extends : PlaceholderType -->
Allow any elements from any namespace (lax validation). [0..*]
Allow any attributes from any namespace (lax validation).

identifier=" xs:token [1]"> [1] ?
<-- Extends : PlaceholderType -->
Allow any elements from any namespace (lax validation). [0..*]
End Sequence
<Publications> [0..1] ?
id=" xs:token [1] ?"> [0..*] ?
Start Sequence [0..1]
<Simple> xs:string </Simple> [1] ?
<PublicationDetailed> PlaceholderType </PublicationDetailed> [0..1] ?
End Sequence
<NameObjects> [0..1] ?
isAnamorphic=" xs:boolean [0..1] ?"
nomenclaturalCode=" NomenclaturalCodesEnum [1] ?"
id=" xs:NMTOKEN [1]"> [0..*] ?
<-- Extends : ScientificName -->
<Simple> xs:string </Simple> [1] ?
<Rank> TaxonomicRank </Rank> [0..1] ?
<CanonicalName> CanonicalName </CanonicalName> [0..1] ?
<CanonicalAuthorship> CanonicalAuthorship </CanonicalAuthorship> [0..1] ?
<PublishedIn> ReferenceType </PublishedIn> [0..1] ?
<Year> xs:gYear </Year> [0..1] ?
<MicroReference> xs:string </MicroReference> [0..1] ?
<Typification> [0..1]
<Simple> xs:string </Simple> [1]
Start Choice [1]
<TypeVouchers> [1] ?
typeOfType=" NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsEnum [0..1] ?"> [1..*] ?
<VoucherReference> ReferenceType </VoucherReference> [0..1] ?
<LectotypePublication> ReferenceType </LectotypePublication> [0..1] ?
<LectotypeMicroReference> xs:string </LectotypeMicroReference> [0..1] ?
<TypeName> [1] ?
<NameReference> ReferenceType </NameReference> [0..1] ?
<LectotypePublication> ReferenceType </LectotypePublication> [0..1] ?
<LectotypeMicroReference> xs:string </LectotypeMicroReference> [0..1] ?
End Choice
<SpellingCorrectionOf> NomenclaturalNoteType </SpellingCorrectionOf> [0..*] ?
<Basionym> NomenclaturalNoteType </Basionym> [0..1] ?
<BasedOn> NomenclaturalNoteType </BasedOn> [0..1] ?
<ConservedAgainst> NomenclaturalNoteType </ConservedAgainst> [0..*] ?
<LaterHomonymOf> NomenclaturalNoteType </LaterHomonymOf> [0..1] ?
<Sanctioned> NomenclaturalNoteType </Sanctioned> [0..1] ?
<NomenNovumFor> NomenclaturalNoteType </NomenNovumFor> [0..1] ?
<PublicationStatus> NomenclaturalNoteType </PublicationStatus> [0..1] ?
<ProviderLink> xs:string </ProviderLink> [0..1]
<ProviderSpecificData> PlaceholderType </ProviderSpecificData> [0..1] ?
<TaxonConcepts> [0..1] ?
id=" xs:token [1] ?"
type="string <<value = {'original'|'revision'|'incomplete'|'aggregate'|'nominal'}>> [0..1] ?"
primary=" xs:boolean [0..1] ?"
form="string <<value = {'anamorph'|'teleomorph'|'hybrid'}>> [0..1] ?"> [0..*] ?
Start Sequence [0..1]
ref=" xs:token [0..1] ?"
linkType="string <<value = {'local'|'external'|'other'}>> [0..1] ?"
scientific=" xs:boolean [1]"
language=" xs:language [0..1]"/> [1] ?
<Rank> TaxonomicRank </Rank> [0..1] ?
<AccordingTo> AccordingToType </AccordingTo> [0..1] ?
<Relationships> [0..1] ?
type="string <<value = {'is congruent to'|'is not congruent to'|'includes'|'does not include'|'excludes'|'is included in'|'is not included in'|'overlaps'|'does not overlap'|'is child of'|'is parent of'|'is anamorph of'|'is teleomorph of'|'is second parent of'|'is female parent of'|'is first parent of'|'is male parent of'|'is hybrid parent of'|'is hybrid child of'|'is ambiregnal of'|'is vernacular for'|'has vernacular'|'has synonym'}>> [1] ?"> [1..*] ?
<-- Extends : RelationshipType -->
<ToTaxonConcept> ReferenceType </ToTaxonConcept> [1] ?
<SpecimenCircumscription> [0..1] ?
<CircumscribedBy> ReferenceType </CircumscribedBy> [1..*] ?
<CharacterCircumscription> PlaceholderType </CharacterCircumscription> [0..1] ?
<ProviderLink> xs:string </ProviderLink> [0..1]
<ProviderSpecificData> PlaceholderType </ProviderSpecificData> [0..1] ?
End Sequence
<RelationshipAssertions> [0..1] ?
type="string <<value = {'is congruent to'|'is not congruent to'|'includes'|'does not include'|'excludes'|'is included in'|'is not included in'|'overlaps'|'does not overlap'|'is child of'|'is parent of'|'is anamorph of'|'is teleomorph of'|'is second parent of'|'is female parent of'|'is first parent of'|'is male parent of'|'is hybrid parent of'|'is hybrid child of'|'is ambiregnal of'|'is vernacular for'|'has vernacular'|'has synonym'}>> [1] ?"
id=" xs:token [1] ?"> [0..*] ?
<-- Extends : RelationshipType -->
Start Sequence [0..1]
<AccordingTo> AccordingToType </AccordingTo> [1] ?
ref=" xs:token [0..1] ?"
linkType="string <<value = {'local'|'external'|'other'}>> [0..1] ?"/> [1] ?
ref=" xs:token [0..1] ?"
linkType="string <<value = {'local'|'external'|'other'}>> [0..1] ?"/> [1] ?
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DataSet">
<xs:element name="MetaData" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="Simple" type=" xs:string "/>
<xs:element name="MetaDataDetailed" type=" PlaceholderType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Vouchers" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="Voucher" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="Simple" type=" xs:string "/>
<xs:element name="Institution" minOccurs="0">
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="InstitutionName" type=" xs:string "/>
<xs:element name="Code" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Address" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Phone" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="URL" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Email" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attribute name="identifier" type=" xs:token " use="required"/>
<xs:element name="Collection" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base=" PlaceholderType ">
<xs:attribute name="identifier" type=" xs:token " use="required"/>
<xs:element name="Specimen">
<xs:extension base=" PlaceholderType ">
<xs:attribute name="identifier" type=" xs:token " use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type=" xs:token " use="required"/>
<xs:element name="Publications" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="Publication" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="Simple" type=" xs:string "/>
<xs:element name="PublicationDetailed" type=" PlaceholderType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type=" xs:token " use="required"/>
<xs:element name="NameObjects" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="NameObject" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:extension base=" ScientificName ">
<xs:attribute name="id" type=" xs:NMTOKEN " use="required"/>
<xs:element name="TaxonConcepts" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="TaxonConcept" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:complexType mixed="false">
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="Name">
<xs:extension base=" ReferenceType ">
<xs:attribute name="scientific" type=" xs:boolean " use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="language" type=" xs:language " use="optional"/>
<xs:element name="Rank" type=" TaxonomicRank " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="AccordingTo" type=" AccordingToType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Relationships" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="Relationship" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:extension base=" RelationshipType ">
<xs:element name="ToTaxonConcept" type=" ReferenceType "/>
<xs:element name="SpecimenCircumscription" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="CircumscribedBy" type=" ReferenceType " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="CharacterCircumscription" type=" PlaceholderType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ProviderLink" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ProviderSpecificData" type=" PlaceholderType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type=" xs:token " use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="original"/>
<xs:enumeration value="revision"/>
<xs:enumeration value="incomplete"/>
<xs:enumeration value="aggregate"/>
<xs:enumeration value="nominal"/>
<xs:attribute name="primary" type=" xs:boolean " use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="form" use="optional">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="anamorph"/>
<xs:enumeration value="teleomorph"/>
<xs:enumeration value="hybrid"/>
<xs:element name="RelationshipAssertions" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="RelationshipAssertion" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:extension base=" RelationshipType ">
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="AccordingTo" type=" AccordingToType "/>
<xs:element name="FromTaxonConcept">
<xs:extension base=" ReferenceType "/>
<xs:element name="ToTaxonConcept">
<xs:extension base=" ReferenceType "/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type=" xs:token " use="required"/>
<xs:key name="NameObjectID">
<xs:selector xpath="./NameObjects/NameObject"/>
<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
<xs:key name="AssertionID">
<xs:selector xpath="./RelationshipAssertions/RelationshipAssertion"/>
<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
<xs:key name="ConceptID">
<xs:selector xpath="./TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept"/>
<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
<xs:key name="VoucherID">
<xs:selector xpath="./Vouchers/Voucher"/>
<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
<xs:key name="PublicationID">
<xs:selector xpath="./Publications/Publication"/>
<xs:field xpath="@id"/>

Global Definitions

Complex Type: AccordingToType

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name AccordingToType
Abstract no
Documentation Describes the origin of the concept or assertion.
XML Instance Representation
<Simple> xs:string </Simple> [1] ?
<AccordingToDetailed> [0..1] ?
<AuthorTeam> NameCitation </AuthorTeam> [0..1] ?
<PublishedIn> ReferenceType </PublishedIn> [0..1] ?
<MicroReference> xs:string </MicroReference> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="AccordingToType">
<xs:element name="Simple" type=" xs:string "/>
<xs:element name="AccordingToDetailed" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="AuthorTeam" type=" NameCitation " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="PublishedIn" type=" ReferenceType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="MicroReference" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>

Complex Type: AgentNames

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name AgentNames
Abstract no
Documentation A collection (seq) of name strings, used for publication authors or editors and for collectors, i. e. whenever the identity of an Agent is doubtful and can not associated with an Agent without doubt
XML Instance Representation
<Name> ReferenceType </Name> [1..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="AgentNames">
<xs:element name="Name" type=" ReferenceType " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Complex Type: CanonicalAuthorship

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name CanonicalAuthorship
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
<Simple> xs:string </Simple> [1] ?
Start Choice [1]
<Authorship> NameCitation </Authorship> [0..1]
<BasionymAuthorship> NameCitation </BasionymAuthorship> [0..1] ?
<CombinationAuthorship> NameCitation </CombinationAuthorship> [0..1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="CanonicalAuthorship">
<xs:element name="Simple" type=" xs:string "/>
<xs:element name="Authorship" type=" NameCitation " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="BasionymAuthorship" type=" NameCitation " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="CombinationAuthorship" type=" NameCitation " minOccurs="0"/>

Complex Type: CanonicalName

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name CanonicalName
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
<Simple> xs:string </Simple> [1] ?
Start Choice [0..1]
<Uninomial> xs:string </Uninomial> [1] ?
<Genus> ReferenceType </Genus> [1] ?
Start Choice [1]
<InfragenericEpithet> xs:string </InfragenericEpithet> [1]
<SpecificEpithet> xs:string </SpecificEpithet> [1] ?
<InfraspecificEpithet> xs:string </InfraspecificEpithet> [0..1]
End Choice
End Choice
<CultivarNameGroup> xs:string </CultivarNameGroup> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="CanonicalName">
<xs:element name="Simple" type=" xs:string "/>
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="Uninomial" type=" xs:string "/>
<xs:element name="Genus" type=" ReferenceType "/>
<xs:element name="InfragenericEpithet" type=" xs:string "/>
<xs:element name="SpecificEpithet" type=" xs:string "/>
<xs:element name="InfraspecificEpithet" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="CultivarNameGroup" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>

Complex Type: NameCitation

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name NameCitation
Abstract no
Documentation A list of authors with a year if required.
XML Instance Representation
<Simple> xs:string </Simple> [1]
<Year> xs:gYear </Year> [0..1]
<Authors> AgentNames </Authors> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="NameCitation">
<xs:element name="Simple" type=" xs:string "/>
<xs:element name="Year" type=" xs:gYear " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Authors" type=" AgentNames " minOccurs="0"/>

Complex Type: NomenclaturalNoteType

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name NomenclaturalNoteType
Abstract no
Documentation A base object that defines a common structure for a number of elements within NameObject.
XML Instance Representation
<RuleConsidered> xs:string </RuleConsidered> [0..1] ?
<Note> xs:string </Note> [0..1] ?
<RelatedName> ReferenceType </RelatedName> [0..1] ?
<PublishedIn> ReferenceType </PublishedIn> [0..1] ?
<MicroReference> xs:string </MicroReference> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="NomenclaturalNoteType">
<xs:element name="RuleConsidered" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Note" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="RelatedName" type=" ReferenceType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="PublishedIn" type=" ReferenceType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="MicroReference" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>

Complex Type: PlaceholderType

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name PlaceholderType
Abstract no
Documentation Placeholder for other schema standards
XML Instance Representation
Allow any attributes from any namespace (lax validation).
Allow any elements from any namespace (lax validation). [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="PlaceholderType">
<xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>

Complex Type: ReferenceType

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name ReferenceType
Abstract no
Documentation Elements of this type are used to refer to other resources. They can be used in the following ways. 1) With text content and no attributes - a simple text representation of the resource. 2) With no text content but a ref attribute pointing to the location or the resource. 3) A combination of the two above. The text content is a summary or the resource referenced to in the ref attribute.
XML Instance Representation
ref=" xs:token [0..1] ?"
linkType="string <<value = {'local'|'external'|'other'}>> [0..1] ?"/>
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="ReferenceType" mixed="true">
<xs:attribute name="ref" type=" xs:token " use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="linkType" use="optional" default="local">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="local"/>
<xs:enumeration value="external"/>
<xs:enumeration value="other"/>

Complex Type: RelationshipType

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name RelationshipType
Abstract no
Documentation Type attribute describe the type of relationship
XML Instance Representation
type="string <<value = {'is congruent to'|'is not congruent to'|'includes'|'does not include'|'excludes'|'is included in'|'is not included in'|'overlaps'|'does not overlap'|'is child of'|'is parent of'|'is anamorph of'|'is teleomorph of'|'is second parent of'|'is female parent of'|'is first parent of'|'is male parent of'|'is hybrid parent of'|'is hybrid child of'|'is ambiregnal of'|'is vernacular for'|'has vernacular'|'has synonym'}>> [1] ?"/>
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="RelationshipType">
<xs:attribute name="type" use="required">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="is congruent to"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is not congruent to"/>
<xs:enumeration value="includes"/>
<xs:enumeration value="does not include"/>
<xs:enumeration value="excludes"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is included in"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is not included in"/>
<xs:enumeration value="overlaps"/>
<xs:enumeration value="does not overlap"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is child of"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is parent of"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is anamorph of"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is teleomorph of"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is second parent of"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is female parent of"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is first parent of"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is male parent of"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is hybrid parent of"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is hybrid child of"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is ambiregnal of"/>
<xs:enumeration value="is vernacular for"/>
<xs:enumeration value="has vernacular"/>
<xs:enumeration value="has synonym"/>

Complex Type: ScientificName

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name ScientificName
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
isAnamorphic=" xs:boolean [0..1] ?"
nomenclaturalCode=" NomenclaturalCodesEnum [1] ?">
<Simple> xs:string </Simple> [1] ?
<Rank> TaxonomicRank </Rank> [0..1] ?
<CanonicalName> CanonicalName </CanonicalName> [0..1] ?
<CanonicalAuthorship> CanonicalAuthorship </CanonicalAuthorship> [0..1] ?
<PublishedIn> ReferenceType </PublishedIn> [0..1] ?
<Year> xs:gYear </Year> [0..1] ?
<MicroReference> xs:string </MicroReference> [0..1] ?
<Typification> [0..1]
<Simple> xs:string </Simple> [1]
Start Choice [1]
<TypeVouchers> [1] ?
typeOfType=" NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsEnum [0..1] ?"> [1..*] ?
<VoucherReference> ReferenceType </VoucherReference> [0..1] ?
<LectotypePublication> ReferenceType </LectotypePublication> [0..1] ?
<LectotypeMicroReference> xs:string </LectotypeMicroReference> [0..1] ?
<TypeName> [1] ?
<NameReference> ReferenceType </NameReference> [0..1] ?
<LectotypePublication> ReferenceType </LectotypePublication> [0..1] ?
<LectotypeMicroReference> xs:string </LectotypeMicroReference> [0..1] ?
End Choice
<SpellingCorrectionOf> NomenclaturalNoteType </SpellingCorrectionOf> [0..*] ?
<Basionym> NomenclaturalNoteType </Basionym> [0..1] ?
<BasedOn> NomenclaturalNoteType </BasedOn> [0..1] ?
<ConservedAgainst> NomenclaturalNoteType </ConservedAgainst> [0..*] ?
<LaterHomonymOf> NomenclaturalNoteType </LaterHomonymOf> [0..1] ?
<Sanctioned> NomenclaturalNoteType </Sanctioned> [0..1] ?
<NomenNovumFor> NomenclaturalNoteType </NomenNovumFor> [0..1] ?
<PublicationStatus> NomenclaturalNoteType </PublicationStatus> [0..1] ?
<ProviderLink> xs:string </ProviderLink> [0..1]
<ProviderSpecificData> PlaceholderType </ProviderSpecificData> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="ScientificName">
<xs:element name="Simple" type=" xs:string "/>
<xs:element name="Rank" type=" TaxonomicRank " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="CanonicalName" type=" CanonicalName " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="CanonicalAuthorship" type=" CanonicalAuthorship " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="PublishedIn" type=" ReferenceType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Year" type=" xs:gYear " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="MicroReference" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Typification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="Simple" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="TypeVouchers">
<xs:element name="TypeVoucher" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="VoucherReference" type=" ReferenceType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="LectotypePublication" type=" ReferenceType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="LectotypeMicroReference" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attribute name="typeOfType" type=" NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsEnum "/>
<xs:element name="TypeName">
<xs:element name="NameReference" type=" ReferenceType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="LectotypePublication" type=" ReferenceType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="LectotypeMicroReference" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="SpellingCorrectionOf" type=" NomenclaturalNoteType " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="Basionym" type=" NomenclaturalNoteType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="BasedOn" type=" NomenclaturalNoteType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ConservedAgainst" type=" NomenclaturalNoteType " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="LaterHomonymOf" type=" NomenclaturalNoteType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Sanctioned" type=" NomenclaturalNoteType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="NomenNovumFor" type=" NomenclaturalNoteType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="PublicationStatus" type=" NomenclaturalNoteType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ProviderLink" type=" xs:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ProviderSpecificData" type=" PlaceholderType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attribute name="isAnamorphic" type=" xs:boolean " use="optional" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="nomenclaturalCode" type=" NomenclaturalCodesEnum " use="required"/>

Complex Type: TaxonomicRank

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name TaxonomicRank
Abstract no
Documentation Taxonomic ranks can be represented as either a plain text string in the body of the element or an attribute from a controlled vocabulary. It is highly recommended that the attribute is used where ever possible.
XML Instance Representation
code=" TaxonomicRankEnum [0..1] ?"/>
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="TaxonomicRank" mixed="true">
<xs:attribute name="code" type=" TaxonomicRankEnum " use="optional"/>

Simple Type: NomenclaturalCodesEnum

Super-types: xs:Name < NomenclaturalCodesEnum (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name NomenclaturalCodesEnum
  • Built-in XSD Type: Name
  • value = {'Viral'|'Bacteriological'|'Botanical'|'Zoological'|'CultivatedPlant'|'Indeterminate'}
Documentation Enumeration of the nomenclatural code under which a name is considered valid. (Source: comparison of enumerations in ABCD 1.49 and initial LinneanCore.)
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="NomenclaturalCodesEnum">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:Name ">
<xs:enumeration value="Viral"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Bacteriological"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Botanical"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Zoological"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CultivatedPlant"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Indeterminate"/>

Simple Type: NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsEnum

Super-types: xs:Name < NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsEnum (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsEnum
  • Built-in XSD Type: Name
  • value = {'allo'|'allolecto'|'alloneo'|'co'|'epi'|'ex'|'exepi'|'exholo'|'exiso'|'exlecto'|'exneo'|'expara'|'exsyn'|'hapanto'|'holo'|'icono'|'iso'|'isolecto'|'isoneo'|'isosyn'|'lecto'|'neo'|'para'|'paralecto'|'paraneo'|'plasto'|'plastoholo'|'plastoiso'|'plastolecto'|'plastoneo'|'plastopara'|'plastosyn'|'sec'|'supp'|'syn'|'topo'|'type'|'not'}
Documentation <p> This list is a first version of a constrained vocabulary to express typifying relations between taxonomic names and units (specimens or objects preserved in collections). Beyond those type categories explicitly governed by nomenclatural codes (Zoology, Botany, Bacterioloy, Virology), the list also includes some additional type status terms. These categories may be helpful when interpreting the original circumscription (topotypes, ex-types), but do not have the same binding status as terms governed by the nomenclatural codes. The enumeration attempts to strike a balance between listing all possible terms, and remaining comprehensible. In general, including too many terms was considered less problematic than omitting terms. Applications may easily select a subset for presentation in their user interface.</p> <p> This list is intended as a first version and it is hoped that in the review process through TDWG it will achieve sufficient maturity to be truly useful. It is expected that over time revisions will have to be made. Please use the WIKI (http://efgblade.cs.umb.edu/twiki/bin/view/UBIF/NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsDiscussion) to discuss the current list and the lists of synonymous, doubtful, or excluded type terms provided therein.</p> <p> Some background information: A type provides the objective standard of reference to determine the application of a taxon name. The type status of a unit (specimen) is only meaningful in combination with the name that is being typified (a unit may have been designated type for multiple names in different publications). The type status of an object may be designated in the original description of a scientific name (original designation), or - under rules layed out in the respective nomenclatural codes - at a later time (subsequent designation). -- For taxa above species rank the type is always a lower rank taxon (e. g., species for genus, genus for family). The type terms for this situation are not included in the enumeration. Ultimately, typication of all taxa goes back to physical type units, but this should not be recorded as such in data sets. The indirect type reference in higher taxa means that typification changes to the lower taxon automatically affect the higher taxon.</p> <p> The exact definitions of type status differ between nomenclatural codes (ICBN, ICZN, ICNP/ICNB, etc.). The term definitions are intended to be informative and generally applicable across the different codes. The should not be interpreted as authoritative; in nomenclatural work the exact definitions in the respective codes have to be consulted. A duplication of status codes (bot-holo, zoo-holo, bact-holo, etc.) is not considered desirable or necessary. Since the application of the type status terms is constrained by the relationship of the typified name with a specific code, the exact definition can always be unambiguously retrieved.</p> <p> The following publications have been consulted to determine the number of type terms that should be included and to prepare the semantic definitions:</p> <ul> <li> Nomenclatural Glossary for Zoology (January 18 2000; ftp://ftp.york.biosis.org/sysgloss.txt; verified 17. June 2004)</li> <li> ICBN St. Louis Code (http://www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/iapt/nomenclature/code/SaintLouis/0013Ch2Sec2a009.htm; verified 17. June 2004)</li> <li> Draft BioCode 4th version (Greuter et al., 1997; http://www.rom.on.ca/biodiversity/biocode/biocode1997.html)</li> <li> Glossary of 'type' terminology (Ronald H. Petersen; http://fp.bio.utk.edu/mycology/Nomenclature/nom-type.htm)</li> <li> Dictionary of Ichthyology (Brian W. Coad and Don E. McAllister, 2004; http://www.briancoad.com/Dictionary/introduction.htm)</li> <li> A useful resource that was not available when writing this proposal might be: Hawksworth, D.L., W.G. Chaloner, O. Krauss, J. McNeill, M.A. Mayo, D.H. Nicolson, P.H.A. Sneath, R.P. Trehane and P.K. Tubbs. 1994. A draft Glossary of terms used in Bionomenclature. (IUBS Monogr. 9) International Union of Biological Sciences, Paris. 74 pp.</li> </ul> <p> Many thanks for review and help to Dr. Miguel A. Alonso-Zarazaga and Dr. Walter Gams. Gregor Hagedorn, 13.7.2004</p>
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="NomenclaturalTypeStatusOfUnitsEnum">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:Name ">
<xs:enumeration value="allo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="allolecto"/>
<xs:enumeration value="alloneo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="co"/>
<xs:enumeration value="epi"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ex"/>
<xs:enumeration value="exepi"/>
<xs:enumeration value="exholo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="exiso"/>
<xs:enumeration value="exlecto"/>
<xs:enumeration value="exneo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="expara"/>
<xs:enumeration value="exsyn"/>
<xs:enumeration value="hapanto"/>
<xs:enumeration value="holo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="icono"/>
<xs:enumeration value="iso"/>
<xs:enumeration value="isolecto"/>
<xs:enumeration value="isoneo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="isosyn"/>
<xs:enumeration value="lecto"/>
<xs:enumeration value="neo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="para"/>
<xs:enumeration value="paralecto"/>
<xs:enumeration value="paraneo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="plasto"/>
<xs:enumeration value="plastoholo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="plastoiso"/>
<xs:enumeration value="plastolecto"/>
<xs:enumeration value="plastoneo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="plastopara"/>
<xs:enumeration value="plastosyn"/>
<xs:enumeration value="sec"/>
<xs:enumeration value="supp"/>
<xs:enumeration value="syn"/>
<xs:enumeration value="topo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="type"/>
<xs:enumeration value="not"/>

Simple Type: TaxonomicRankAboveSuperfamilyEnum

Super-types: xs:Name < TaxonomicRankAboveSuperfamilyEnum (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name TaxonomicRankAboveSuperfamilyEnum
  • Built-in XSD Type: Name
  • value = {'infraord'|'subord'|'ord'|'superord'|'infracl'|'subcl'|'cl'|'supercl'|'infraphyl_div'|'subphyl_div'|'phyl_div'|'superphyl_div'|'infrareg'|'subreg'|'reg'|'superreg'|'dom'|'taxsupragen'}
Documentation Subset of ranks; equivalent to BioCode "suprafamilial". This rank group includes all ranks higher than superfamily (class, phylum/division, kingdom, domain)
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="TaxonomicRankAboveSuperfamilyEnum">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:Name ">
<xs:enumeration value="infraord"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subord"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ord"/>
<xs:enumeration value="superord"/>
<xs:enumeration value="infracl"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subcl"/>
<xs:enumeration value="cl"/>
<xs:enumeration value="supercl"/>
<xs:enumeration value="infraphyl_div"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subphyl_div"/>
<xs:enumeration value="phyl_div"/>
<xs:enumeration value="superphyl_div"/>
<xs:enumeration value="infrareg"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subreg"/>
<xs:enumeration value="reg"/>
<xs:enumeration value="superreg"/>
<xs:enumeration value="dom"/>
<xs:enumeration value="taxsupragen"/>

Simple Type: TaxonomicRankBelowSubspeciesEnum

Super-types: xs:Name < TaxonomicRankBelowSubspeciesEnum (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name TaxonomicRankBelowSubspeciesEnum
  • Built-in XSD Type: Name
  • value = {'cand'|'taxinfrasp'|'fsp'|'subsubfm'|'subfm'|'fm'|'subsubvar'|'subvar'|'var'|'pv'|'bv'|'infrasp'}
Documentation Subset of ranks; equivalent to BioCode "infra-subspecfic", i.e. below the species group
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="TaxonomicRankBelowSubspeciesEnum">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:Name ">
<xs:enumeration value="cand"/>
<xs:enumeration value="taxinfrasp"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fsp"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subsubfm"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subfm"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fm"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subsubvar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subvar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="var"/>
<xs:enumeration value="pv"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bv"/>
<xs:enumeration value="infrasp"/>

Simple Type: TaxonomicRankCultivatedPlants

Super-types: xs:Name < TaxonomicRankCultivatedPlants (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name TaxonomicRankCultivatedPlants
  • Built-in XSD Type: Name
  • value = {'cv'|'convar'|'grex'|'cvgroup'|'graftchimaera'|'denomclass'}
Documentation Subset of ranks used spefically for cultivated plants
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="TaxonomicRankCultivatedPlants">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:Name ">
<xs:enumeration value="cv"/>
<xs:enumeration value="convar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="grex"/>
<xs:enumeration value="cvgroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="graftchimaera"/>
<xs:enumeration value="denomclass"/>

Simple Type: TaxonomicRankEnum

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name TaxonomicRankEnum
Documentation <p> Enumerated codes to express the rank of a taxon (scientific organism name) in a taxonomic hierarchy. The list is intended to be interoperable between name providers for bacteria, viruses, fungi, plants, and animals. It is not assumed that in each taxonomic group all ranks have to be used. Individual applications may select appropriate subsets (which may be based on information given inside the enumerated values, see Specifications/BioCode-, Botany-, Zoology-, and BacteriaStatus). The enumeration attempts to strike a balance between listing all possible rank terms, and remaining comprehensible. For example, the "infra-" ranks specifically mentioned in BioCode have been included (although very rarely used), but the additional intermediate zoological ranks (micro, nano, pico, etc.) are not included. Whether the selection of infraspecific ranks (some informal ranks, esp. from bacteriology, may be missing!) probably needs some discussion. However, it is believed that this list may help to start developing data sets that can easily be integrated across the barriers of Language and taxonomic traditions.</p> <p> Not included in the list are the botanical "notho-" ranks, which are used to designate hybrids (nothospecies, nothogenus). It is assumed they can be generated from separate information that the taxon is a hybrid. ICBN §4.4 states: "The subordinate ranks of nothotaxa are the same as the subordinate ranks of non-hybrid taxa, except that nothogenus is the highest rank permitted".</p> <p> The following publications have been consulted to determine the number of type terms that should be included and to prepare the semantic definitions:</p> <ul> <li> The Berlin Taxonomic Information Model, MoReTax view (Berendsohn & al., http://www.bgbm.org/scripts/ASP/BGBMModel/Catalogues.asp?Cat=MT</li> <li> DiversityTaxonomy model version 0.7 (G. Hagedorn & T. Gräfenhan 2002,</li> <li> ABCD version 1.44, types HigherTaxonRankType and RankAbbreviationType, by W. Berendsohn, reviewed by D. Hobern</li> <li> TaxCat2 - Database of Botanical Taxonomic Categories by Jörg Ochsmann, IPK Gatersleben; http://mansfeld.ipk-gatersleben.de/TaxCat2/default.htm</li> </ul> <p> A separate enumeration and several ranks have been added to the original list to better accomodate names from ICNCP. (RDH). </p> <p> Many thanks for review and help go to Dr. Walter Gams.</p> <p> Note: the list of all ranks is implemented as a union of all following rank subsets. Note that although BioCode has been used to define the partition into subsets, the ranks are not limited to BioCode but should be an interoperable superset of ranks used in Virology, Bacteriology, Botany and Zoology.</p>
Schema Component Representation

Simple Type: TaxonomicRankFamilyGroupEnum

Super-types: xs:Name < TaxonomicRankFamilyGroupEnum (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name TaxonomicRankFamilyGroupEnum
  • Built-in XSD Type: Name
  • value = {'infrafam'|'subfam'|'fam'|'superfam'}
Documentation Subset of ranks; equivalent to BioCode "family group", i.e. infrafamily to superfamily
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="TaxonomicRankFamilyGroupEnum">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:Name ">
<xs:enumeration value="infrafam"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subfam"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fam"/>
<xs:enumeration value="superfam"/>

Simple Type: TaxonomicRankFamilySubdivisionEnum

Super-types: xs:Name < TaxonomicRankFamilySubdivisionEnum (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name TaxonomicRankFamilySubdivisionEnum
  • Built-in XSD Type: Name
  • value = {'infratrib'|'subtrib'|'trib'|'supertrib'}
Documentation Subset of ranks; equivalent to BioCode "subdivision of a family", i.e. ranks between genus group and family group
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="TaxonomicRankFamilySubdivisionEnum">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:Name ">
<xs:enumeration value="infratrib"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subtrib"/>
<xs:enumeration value="trib"/>
<xs:enumeration value="supertrib"/>

Simple Type: TaxonomicRankGenusGroupEnum

Super-types: xs:Name < TaxonomicRankGenusGroupEnum (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name TaxonomicRankGenusGroupEnum
  • Built-in XSD Type: Name
  • value = {'infragen'|'subgen'|'gen'}
Documentation Subset of ranks; equivalent to BioCode "genus group", i.e. infragenus to genus
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="TaxonomicRankGenusGroupEnum">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:Name ">
<xs:enumeration value="infragen"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subgen"/>
<xs:enumeration value="gen"/>

Simple Type: TaxonomicRankGenusSubdivisionEnum

Super-types: xs:Name < TaxonomicRankGenusSubdivisionEnum (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name TaxonomicRankGenusSubdivisionEnum
  • Built-in XSD Type: Name
  • value = {'aggr'|'taxinfragen'|'subser'|'ser'|'subsect'|'sect'}
Documentation Subset of ranks; equivalent to BioCode ""subdivision of a genus" ", i.e. all ranks between genus and species group (i.e. not including subgenus and species)
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="TaxonomicRankGenusSubdivisionEnum">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:Name ">
<xs:enumeration value="aggr"/>
<xs:enumeration value="taxinfragen"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subser"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ser"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subsect"/>
<xs:enumeration value="sect"/>

Simple Type: TaxonomicRankSpeciesGroupEnum

Super-types: xs:Name < TaxonomicRankSpeciesGroupEnum (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name TaxonomicRankSpeciesGroupEnum
  • Built-in XSD Type: Name
  • value = {'subsp_aggr'|'ssp'|'sp'}
Documentation Subset of ranks; equivalent to BioCode "species group", i.e. only species and subspecies
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="TaxonomicRankSpeciesGroupEnum">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:Name ">
<xs:enumeration value="subsp_aggr"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ssp"/>
<xs:enumeration value="sp"/>


Complex Type: AusAddress
Schema Component Type Schema Component Name
Super-types: Address < AusAddress (by extension)
  • QLDAddress (by restriction)
If this schema component is a type definition, its type hierarchy is shown in a gray-bordered box.
Name AusAddress
Abstract no
The table above displays the properties of this schema component.
XML Instance Representation
<... country="Australia" >
<unitNo> string </unitNo> [0..1]
<houseNo> string </houseNo> [1]
<street> string </street> [1]
Start Choice [1]
<city> string </city> [1]
<town> string </town> [1]
End Choice
<state> AusStates </state> [1]
<postcode> string <<pattern = [1-9][0-9]{3}>> </postcode> [1] ?

The XML Instance Representation table above shows the schema component's content as an XML instance.

Schema Component Representation
<complexType name="AusAddress">
<extension base=" Address ">
<element name="state" type=" AusStates "/>
<element name="postcode">
<restriction base=" string ">
<pattern value="[1-9][0-9]{3}"/>
<attribute name="country" type=" string " fixed="Australia"/>
The Schema Component Representation table above displays the underlying XML representation of the schema component. (Annotations are not shown.)


Abstract (Applies to complex type definitions and element declarations). An abstract element or complex type cannot used to validate an element instance. If there is a reference to an abstract element, only element declarations that can substitute the abstract element can be used to validate the instance. For references to abstract type definitions, only derived types can be used.

All Model Group Child elements can be provided in any order in instances. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#element-all.

Choice Model Group Only one from the list of child elements and model groups can be provided in instances. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#element-choice.

Collapse Whitespace Policy Replace tab, line feed, and carriage return characters with space character (Unicode character 32). Then, collapse contiguous sequences of space characters into single space character, and remove leading and trailing space characters.

Disallowed Substitutions (Applies to element declarations). If substitution is specified, then substitution group members cannot be used in place of the given element declaration to validate element instances. If derivation methods, e.g. extension, restriction, are specified, then the given element declaration will not validate element instances that have types derived from the element declaration's type using the specified derivation methods. Normally, element instances can override their declaration's type by specifying an xsi:type attribute.

Key Constraint Like Uniqueness Constraint, but additionally requires that the specified value(s) must be provided. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cIdentity-constraint_Definitions.

Key Reference Constraint Ensures that the specified value(s) must match value(s) from a Key Constraint or Uniqueness Constraint. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cIdentity-constraint_Definitions.

Model Group Groups together element content, specifying the order in which the element content can occur and the number of times the group of element content may be repeated. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#Model_Groups.

Nillable (Applies to element declarations). If an element declaration is nillable, instances can use the xsi:nil attribute. The xsi:nil attribute is the boolean attribute, nil, from the http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance namespace. If an element instance has an xsi:nil attribute set to true, it can be left empty, even though its element declaration may have required content.

Notation A notation is used to identify the format of a piece of data. Values of elements and attributes that are of type, NOTATION, must come from the names of declared notations. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cNotation_Declarations.

Preserve Whitespace Policy Preserve whitespaces exactly as they appear in instances.

Prohibited Derivations (Applies to type definitions). Derivation methods that cannot be used to create sub-types from a given type definition.

Prohibited Substitutions (Applies to complex type definitions). Prevents sub-types that have been derived using the specified derivation methods from validating element instances in place of the given type definition.

Replace Whitespace Policy Replace tab, line feed, and carriage return characters with space character (Unicode character 32).

Sequence Model Group Child elements and model groups must be provided in the specified order in instances. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#element-sequence.

Substitution Group Elements that are members of a substitution group can be used wherever the head element of the substitution group is referenced.

Substitution Group Exclusions (Applies to element declarations). Prohibits element declarations from nominating themselves as being able to substitute a given element declaration, if they have types that are derived from the original element's type using the specified derivation methods.

Target Namespace The target namespace identifies the namespace that components in this schema belongs to. If no target namespace is provided, then the schema components do not belong to any namespace.

Uniqueness Constraint Ensures uniqueness of an element/attribute value, or a combination of values, within a specified scope. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cIdentity-constraint_Definitions.


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