Schema v080.xsd

schema location:  d:\Web\tdwg\tcml\v080.xsd
Elements  Complex types 
DataSet  AccordingToType 

schema location:  d:\Web\tdwg\tcml\ABCDNameTypes.xsd
Complex types  Simple types 
NameAtomizedType  DateTimeISOType 
NameBacterialType  DateTimeISOType1 
NameBotanicalType  EpithetType 
NameViralType  GenusType 
NameZoologicalType  HigherTaxonRankType 

element DataSet
children MetaData Vouchers Publications TaxonConcepts RelationshipAssertions
identity constraints
  Name  Refer  Selector  Field(s)  
key  AssertionID    ./RelationshipAssertions/RelationshipAssertion  @id  
key  ConceptID    ./TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept  @id  
key  VoucherID    ./Vouchers/Voucher  @id  
key  PublicationID    ./Publications/Publication  @id  
Root element of the data set.
<xs:element name="DataSet">
    <xs:documentation>Root element of the data set.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="MetaData">
          <xs:documentation>Information associated with the creation of the dataset in human-readable form. May be augmented or replaced with common TDWG MetaData structure or UBIF container.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="Creator" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Person or Program that generated the data set.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="CreationTime" type="DateTimeISOType">
                <xs:documentation>Time at which the data set was created.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="Purpose" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>Reason why the data set was generated.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="Source" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>Origin of the data for derived data sets (e.g. database connect string).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Vouchers">
          <xs:documentation>Container for voucher (representation of specimen) records.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="Voucher" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Specimen and location [A]</xs:documentation>
                <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:element name="Specimen">
                      <xs:documentation>Physical object the voucher is referring to. [A]</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                          <xs:attribute name="identifier" type="xs:string" use="required">
                              <xs:documentation>Local (to the repository) identifier of the specimen (e.g. catalogue number or barcode).</xs:documentation>
                          <xs:attribute name="class" type="xs:string" use="optional">
                              <xs:documentation>A word or phrase describing the type of specimen collected (e.g. photograph or herbarium specimen etc).</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:element name="Repository">
                      <xs:documentation>Information about the curator or contact person and/or agency responsible for the specimens. One of the optional elements can serve as a unique identifier of the repository and together with the identifier of the Specimen create a globally unique handle .</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:element name="InstitutionName" type="xs:string"/>
                        <xs:element name="Code" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="Address" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="Phone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="URL" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="Email" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
                    <xs:documentation>Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. </xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Publications">
          <xs:documentation>Container for publication records.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="Publication" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Details of the data source where the the concept was originally published. (Might adopt a common TDWG data structure.) [A]</xs:documentation>
                <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:element name="PublicationSimple" type="xs:string">
                      <xs:documentation>Full bibliographic reference as a single formatted string.</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:element name="PublicationDetailed" minOccurs="0">
                      <xs:documentation>Reference broken down into individual components. (The current version is based on R.Pyles's Taxonomer data model, which in turn is based on Endnote 7.)</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:element name="Author" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                        <xs:element name="Year" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="Title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="SecondaryTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="Publisher" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="PlacePublished" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="Volume" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="NumberVolumes" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="Number" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="Pages" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="Section" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="TertiaryTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="Edition" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="DatePublished" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="TypeWork" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="ShortTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="AlternateTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="ISBN_ISSN" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="OriginalPublication" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="ReprintEdition" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="ReviewedItem" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="Figures" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="StartDate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="EndDate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                        <xs:element name="URL" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
                    <xs:documentation>Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. </xs:documentation>
                <xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
                    <xs:documentation>Enumerated list of publication source types.</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                      <xs:enumeration value="Generic"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Artwork"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Audiovisual Material"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Book"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Book Section"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Book Series"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Computer Program"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Conference Proceedings"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Edited Book"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Journal Article"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Magazine Article"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Map"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Newspaper Article"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Patent"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Report"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Thesis"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Communication"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Sub-Reference"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Determination"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Commentary"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="Web Page"/>
      <xs:element name="TaxonConcepts">
          <xs:documentation>Container for concept records.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="TaxonConcept" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Representation of a Taxon Concept. Various types of concept can be represented, including a reference to the GUID of an existing Concept. [A]</xs:documentation>
              <xs:complexType mixed="false">
                <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:element name="Name">
                      <xs:documentation>A non-unique handle to the concept. [A]</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:element name="NameSimple" type="xs:string">
                            <xs:documentation>Complete name as found in the data source. May require calculation from an atomized record of a name in the source data.</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:element name="NameDetailed" type="NameAtomizedType" minOccurs="0">
                            <xs:documentation>Atomized data items of the scientific name, if supplied by the source data. Uses the TDWG ABCD AtomizedName structure, with subtypes according to the different Codes of Nomenclature.</xs:documentation>
                      <xs:attribute name="type" use="required">
                          <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                            <xs:enumeration value="scientific"/>
                            <xs:enumeration value="non-scientific"/>
                      <xs:attribute name="status" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
                  <xs:element name="AccordingTo" type="AccordingToType" minOccurs="0">
                      <xs:documentation>Information about the authorship of this concept which uses the Name in their sense (i.e. secundum, sensu).</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:element name="Kingdom" minOccurs="0">
                      <xs:documentation>Kingdom of the concept.</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:element name="Rank" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                      <xs:documentation>Rank of the concept (should be identical to that recorded in the Name).</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:element name="Relationships" minOccurs="0">
                      <xs:documentation>Stores explicit, taxonomic and nomenclatural relationships that are part of the original concept definition.</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:element name="Relationship" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                            <xs:documentation>Type of the relationship [A]</xs:documentation>
                              <xs:extension base="RelationshipType">
                                  <xs:element name="ToTaxonConcept" type="ReferenceType">
                                      <xs:documentation>Reference to another TaxonConcept. [A]</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:element name="SpecimenCircumscription" minOccurs="0">
                      <xs:documentation>A set of specimens that are used to define the concept.</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:element name="CircumscribedBy" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                            <xs:documentation>Link to record of a specimen. [A]</xs:documentation>
                              <xs:extension base="ReferenceType">
                                <xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
                                    <xs:documentation>May record the designated type-status of a specimen in relation to the circumscribed TaxonConcept,  according to the nomenclatural codes.</xs:documentation>
                                    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                      <xs:enumeration value="epitype"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="holotype"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="isotype"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="lectotype"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="neotype"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="non-type"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="paratype"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="syntype"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="isosyntype"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="hapantotype"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="paralectotype"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="paratype"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="syntype"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="type"/>
                                      <xs:enumeration value="name-bearing type"/>
                  <xs:element name="CharacterCircumscription" type="xs:anyType" minOccurs="0">
                      <xs:documentation>A set of taxonomic descriptions used to define this concept. May potentially hold descriptions according to the TDWG SDD schema, or any other, format.</xs:documentation>
                <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
                    <xs:documentation>Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. </xs:documentation>
                <xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
                    <xs:documentation>The optional enumerated type of the Concept may reflect which data elements are provided. Concepts of type 'empty' will contain no data other than the GUID of an external Concept.</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                      <xs:enumeration value="original"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="revision"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="incomplete"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="aggregate"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="nomenclatural"/>
                <xs:attribute name="primary" type="xs:boolean" use="optional">
                    <xs:documentation>If primary='true' the concept is the first level response to a query. If 'false' the concept may be a secondary concept linked directly or indirectly to the definition of a primary concept.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="RelationshipAssertions">
          <xs:documentation>Container for taxonomic assertion records.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="RelationshipAssertion" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Relationships between two concepts which are not part of the original definition of either of these concepts; possibly by a third party. [A] </xs:documentation>
                  <xs:extension base="RelationshipType">
                    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
                      <xs:element name="AccordingTo" type="AccordingToType">
                          <xs:documentation>Information about the authorship of the asserted relationship.</xs:documentation>
                      <xs:element name="FromTaxonConcept">
                          <xs:documentation>Starting point of the directed relationship. A reference to a TaxonConcept.</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:extension base="ReferenceType"/>
                      <xs:element name="ToTaxonConcept">
                          <xs:documentation>End point of the directed relationship. A reference to a TaxonConcept.</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:extension base="ReferenceType"/>
                    <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
                        <xs:documentation>Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. </xs:documentation>
  <xs:key name="AssertionID">
    <xs:selector xpath="./RelationshipAssertions/RelationshipAssertion"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@id"/>
  <xs:key name="ConceptID">
    <xs:selector xpath="./TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@id"/>
  <xs:key name="VoucherID">
    <xs:selector xpath="./Vouchers/Voucher"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@id"/>
  <xs:key name="PublicationID">
    <xs:selector xpath="./Publications/Publication"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@id"/>

element DataSet/MetaData
children Creator CreationTime Purpose Source
Information associated with the creation of the dataset in human-readable form. May be augmented or replaced with common TDWG MetaData structure or UBIF container.
<xs:element name="MetaData">
    <xs:documentation>Information associated with the creation of the dataset in human-readable form. May be augmented or replaced with common TDWG MetaData structure or UBIF container.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Creator" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Person or Program that generated the data set.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="CreationTime" type="DateTimeISOType">
          <xs:documentation>Time at which the data set was created.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Purpose" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Reason why the data set was generated.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Source" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Origin of the data for derived data sets (e.g. database connect string).</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/MetaData/Creator
type xs:string
Person or Program that generated the data set.
<xs:element name="Creator" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Person or Program that generated the data set.</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/MetaData/CreationTime
type DateTimeISOType
Time at which the data set was created.
<xs:element name="CreationTime" type="DateTimeISOType">
    <xs:documentation>Time at which the data set was created.</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/MetaData/Purpose
type xs:string
Reason why the data set was generated.
<xs:element name="Purpose" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Reason why the data set was generated.</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/MetaData/Source
type xs:string
Origin of the data for derived data sets (e.g. database connect string).
<xs:element name="Source" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Origin of the data for derived data sets (e.g. database connect string).</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/Vouchers
children Voucher
Container for voucher (representation of specimen) records.
<xs:element name="Vouchers">
    <xs:documentation>Container for voucher (representation of specimen) records.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Voucher" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Specimen and location [A]</xs:documentation>
          <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
            <xs:element name="Specimen">
                <xs:documentation>Physical object the voucher is referring to. [A]</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                    <xs:attribute name="identifier" type="xs:string" use="required">
                        <xs:documentation>Local (to the repository) identifier of the specimen (e.g. catalogue number or barcode).</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:attribute name="class" type="xs:string" use="optional">
                        <xs:documentation>A word or phrase describing the type of specimen collected (e.g. photograph or herbarium specimen etc).</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="Repository">
                <xs:documentation>Information about the curator or contact person and/or agency responsible for the specimens. One of the optional elements can serve as a unique identifier of the repository and together with the identifier of the Specimen create a globally unique handle .</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:element name="InstitutionName" type="xs:string"/>
                  <xs:element name="Code" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="Address" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="Phone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="URL" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="Email" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
          <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
              <xs:documentation>Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. </xs:documentation>

element DataSet/Vouchers/Voucher
children Specimen Repository
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xs:NMTOKEN  required      
Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. 
Specimen and location [A]
<xs:element name="Voucher" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Specimen and location [A]</xs:documentation>
    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
      <xs:element name="Specimen">
          <xs:documentation>Physical object the voucher is referring to. [A]</xs:documentation>
            <xs:extension base="xs:string">
              <xs:attribute name="identifier" type="xs:string" use="required">
                  <xs:documentation>Local (to the repository) identifier of the specimen (e.g. catalogue number or barcode).</xs:documentation>
              <xs:attribute name="class" type="xs:string" use="optional">
                  <xs:documentation>A word or phrase describing the type of specimen collected (e.g. photograph or herbarium specimen etc).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Repository">
          <xs:documentation>Information about the curator or contact person and/or agency responsible for the specimens. One of the optional elements can serve as a unique identifier of the repository and together with the identifier of the Specimen create a globally unique handle .</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="InstitutionName" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="Code" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="Address" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="Phone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="URL" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="Email" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. </xs:documentation>

element DataSet/Vouchers/Voucher/Specimen
type extension of xs:string
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
identifier  xs:string  required      
Local (to the repository) identifier of the specimen (e.g. catalogue number or barcode).
class  xs:string  optional      
A word or phrase describing the type of specimen collected (e.g. photograph or herbarium specimen etc).
Physical object the voucher is referring to. [A]
<xs:element name="Specimen">
    <xs:documentation>Physical object the voucher is referring to. [A]</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="identifier" type="xs:string" use="required">
            <xs:documentation>Local (to the repository) identifier of the specimen (e.g. catalogue number or barcode).</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="class" type="xs:string" use="optional">
            <xs:documentation>A word or phrase describing the type of specimen collected (e.g. photograph or herbarium specimen etc).</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/Vouchers/Voucher/Repository
children InstitutionName Code Address Phone URL Email
Information about the curator or contact person and/or agency responsible for the specimens. One of the optional elements can serve as a unique identifier of the repository and together with the identifier of the Specimen create a globally unique handle .
<xs:element name="Repository">
    <xs:documentation>Information about the curator or contact person and/or agency responsible for the specimens. One of the optional elements can serve as a unique identifier of the repository and together with the identifier of the Specimen create a globally unique handle .</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="InstitutionName" type="xs:string"/>
      <xs:element name="Code" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="Address" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="Phone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="URL" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="Email" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Vouchers/Voucher/Repository/InstitutionName
type xs:string
<xs:element name="InstitutionName" type="xs:string"/>

element DataSet/Vouchers/Voucher/Repository/Code
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Code" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Vouchers/Voucher/Repository/Address
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Address" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Vouchers/Voucher/Repository/Phone
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Phone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Vouchers/Voucher/Repository/URL
type xs:string
<xs:element name="URL" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Vouchers/Voucher/Repository/Email
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Email" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications
children Publication
Container for publication records.
<xs:element name="Publications">
    <xs:documentation>Container for publication records.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Publication" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Details of the data source where the the concept was originally published. (Might adopt a common TDWG data structure.) [A]</xs:documentation>
          <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
            <xs:element name="PublicationSimple" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Full bibliographic reference as a single formatted string.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="PublicationDetailed" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>Reference broken down into individual components. (The current version is based on R.Pyles's Taxonomer data model, which in turn is based on Endnote 7.)</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:element name="Author" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                  <xs:element name="Year" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="Title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="SecondaryTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="Publisher" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="PlacePublished" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="Volume" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="NumberVolumes" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="Number" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="Pages" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="Section" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="TertiaryTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="Edition" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="DatePublished" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="TypeWork" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="ShortTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="AlternateTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="ISBN_ISSN" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="OriginalPublication" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="ReprintEdition" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="ReviewedItem" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="Figures" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="StartDate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="EndDate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="URL" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
          <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
              <xs:documentation>Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. </xs:documentation>
          <xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
              <xs:documentation>Enumerated list of publication source types.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                <xs:enumeration value="Generic"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Artwork"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Audiovisual Material"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Book"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Book Section"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Book Series"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Computer Program"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Conference Proceedings"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Edited Book"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Journal Article"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Magazine Article"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Map"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Newspaper Article"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Patent"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Report"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Thesis"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Communication"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Sub-Reference"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Determination"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Commentary"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="Web Page"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication
children PublicationSimple PublicationDetailed
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xs:NMTOKEN  required      
Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. 
type  xs:string  optional      
Enumerated list of publication source types.
Details of the data source where the the concept was originally published. (Might adopt a common TDWG data structure.) [A]
<xs:element name="Publication" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Details of the data source where the the concept was originally published. (Might adopt a common TDWG data structure.) [A]</xs:documentation>
    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
      <xs:element name="PublicationSimple" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Full bibliographic reference as a single formatted string.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="PublicationDetailed" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Reference broken down into individual components. (The current version is based on R.Pyles's Taxonomer data model, which in turn is based on Endnote 7.)</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="Author" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
            <xs:element name="Year" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="Title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="SecondaryTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="Publisher" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="PlacePublished" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="Volume" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="NumberVolumes" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="Number" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="Pages" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="Section" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="TertiaryTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="Edition" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="DatePublished" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="TypeWork" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="ShortTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="AlternateTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="ISBN_ISSN" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="OriginalPublication" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="ReprintEdition" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="ReviewedItem" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="Figures" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="StartDate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="EndDate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="URL" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. </xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
        <xs:documentation>Enumerated list of publication source types.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:enumeration value="Generic"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Artwork"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Audiovisual Material"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Book"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Book Section"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Book Series"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Computer Program"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Conference Proceedings"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Edited Book"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Journal Article"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Magazine Article"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Map"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Newspaper Article"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Patent"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Report"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Thesis"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Communication"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Sub-Reference"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Determination"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Commentary"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Web Page"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationSimple
type xs:string
Full bibliographic reference as a single formatted string.
<xs:element name="PublicationSimple" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Full bibliographic reference as a single formatted string.</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed
children Author Year Title SecondaryTitle Publisher PlacePublished Volume NumberVolumes Number Pages Section TertiaryTitle Edition DatePublished TypeWork ShortTitle AlternateTitle ISBN_ISSN OriginalPublication ReprintEdition ReviewedItem Figures StartDate EndDate URL
Reference broken down into individual components. (The current version is based on R.Pyles's Taxonomer data model, which in turn is based on Endnote 7.)
<xs:element name="PublicationDetailed" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Reference broken down into individual components. (The current version is based on R.Pyles's Taxonomer data model, which in turn is based on Endnote 7.)</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Author" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xs:element name="Year" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="Title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="SecondaryTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="Publisher" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="PlacePublished" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="Volume" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="NumberVolumes" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="Number" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="Pages" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="Section" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="TertiaryTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="Edition" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="DatePublished" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="TypeWork" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="ShortTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="AlternateTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="ISBN_ISSN" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="OriginalPublication" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="ReprintEdition" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="ReviewedItem" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="Figures" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="StartDate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="EndDate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="URL" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/Author
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Author" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/Year
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Year" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/Title
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/SecondaryTitle
type xs:string
<xs:element name="SecondaryTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/Publisher
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Publisher" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/PlacePublished
type xs:string
<xs:element name="PlacePublished" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/Volume
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Volume" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/NumberVolumes
type xs:string
<xs:element name="NumberVolumes" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/Number
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Number" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/Pages
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Pages" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/Section
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Section" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/TertiaryTitle
type xs:string
<xs:element name="TertiaryTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/Edition
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Edition" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/DatePublished
type xs:string
<xs:element name="DatePublished" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/TypeWork
type xs:string
<xs:element name="TypeWork" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/ShortTitle
type xs:string
<xs:element name="ShortTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/AlternateTitle
type xs:string
<xs:element name="AlternateTitle" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/ISBN_ISSN
type xs:string
<xs:element name="ISBN_ISSN" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/OriginalPublication
type xs:string
<xs:element name="OriginalPublication" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/ReprintEdition
type xs:string
<xs:element name="ReprintEdition" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/ReviewedItem
type xs:string
<xs:element name="ReviewedItem" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/Figures
type xs:string
<xs:element name="Figures" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/StartDate
type xs:string
<xs:element name="StartDate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/EndDate
type xs:string
<xs:element name="EndDate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/Publications/Publication/PublicationDetailed/URL
type xs:string
<xs:element name="URL" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts
children TaxonConcept
Container for concept records.
<xs:element name="TaxonConcepts">
    <xs:documentation>Container for concept records.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="TaxonConcept" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Representation of a Taxon Concept. Various types of concept can be represented, including a reference to the GUID of an existing Concept. [A]</xs:documentation>
        <xs:complexType mixed="false">
          <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
            <xs:element name="Name">
                <xs:documentation>A non-unique handle to the concept. [A]</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:element name="NameSimple" type="xs:string">
                      <xs:documentation>Complete name as found in the data source. May require calculation from an atomized record of a name in the source data.</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:element name="NameDetailed" type="NameAtomizedType" minOccurs="0">
                      <xs:documentation>Atomized data items of the scientific name, if supplied by the source data. Uses the TDWG ABCD AtomizedName structure, with subtypes according to the different Codes of Nomenclature.</xs:documentation>
                <xs:attribute name="type" use="required">
                    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                      <xs:enumeration value="scientific"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="non-scientific"/>
                <xs:attribute name="status" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
            <xs:element name="AccordingTo" type="AccordingToType" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>Information about the authorship of this concept which uses the Name in their sense (i.e. secundum, sensu).</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="Kingdom" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>Kingdom of the concept.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="Rank" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>Rank of the concept (should be identical to that recorded in the Name).</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="Relationships" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>Stores explicit, taxonomic and nomenclatural relationships that are part of the original concept definition.</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:element name="Relationship" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                      <xs:documentation>Type of the relationship [A]</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:extension base="RelationshipType">
                            <xs:element name="ToTaxonConcept" type="ReferenceType">
                                <xs:documentation>Reference to another TaxonConcept. [A]</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="SpecimenCircumscription" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>A set of specimens that are used to define the concept.</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:element name="CircumscribedBy" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                      <xs:documentation>Link to record of a specimen. [A]</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:extension base="ReferenceType">
                          <xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
                              <xs:documentation>May record the designated type-status of a specimen in relation to the circumscribed TaxonConcept,  according to the nomenclatural codes.</xs:documentation>
                              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                <xs:enumeration value="epitype"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="holotype"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="isotype"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="lectotype"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="neotype"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="non-type"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="paratype"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="syntype"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="isosyntype"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="hapantotype"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="paralectotype"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="paratype"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="syntype"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="type"/>
                                <xs:enumeration value="name-bearing type"/>
            <xs:element name="CharacterCircumscription" type="xs:anyType" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>A set of taxonomic descriptions used to define this concept. May potentially hold descriptions according to the TDWG SDD schema, or any other, format.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
              <xs:documentation>Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. </xs:documentation>
          <xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
              <xs:documentation>The optional enumerated type of the Concept may reflect which data elements are provided. Concepts of type 'empty' will contain no data other than the GUID of an external Concept.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                <xs:enumeration value="original"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="revision"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="incomplete"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="aggregate"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="nomenclatural"/>
          <xs:attribute name="primary" type="xs:boolean" use="optional">
              <xs:documentation>If primary='true' the concept is the first level response to a query. If 'false' the concept may be a secondary concept linked directly or indirectly to the definition of a primary concept.</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept
children Name AccordingTo Kingdom Rank Relationships SpecimenCircumscription CharacterCircumscription
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xs:NMTOKEN  required      
Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. 
type  xs:string  optional      
The optional enumerated type of the Concept may reflect which data elements are provided. Concepts of type 'empty' will contain no data other than the GUID of an external Concept.
primary  xs:boolean  optional      
If primary='true' the concept is the first level response to a query. If 'false' the concept may be a secondary concept linked directly or indirectly to the definition of a primary concept.
Representation of a Taxon Concept. Various types of concept can be represented, including a reference to the GUID of an existing Concept. [A]
<xs:element name="TaxonConcept" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Representation of a Taxon Concept. Various types of concept can be represented, including a reference to the GUID of an existing Concept. [A]</xs:documentation>
  <xs:complexType mixed="false">
    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
      <xs:element name="Name">
          <xs:documentation>A non-unique handle to the concept. [A]</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="NameSimple" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Complete name as found in the data source. May require calculation from an atomized record of a name in the source data.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="NameDetailed" type="NameAtomizedType" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>Atomized data items of the scientific name, if supplied by the source data. Uses the TDWG ABCD AtomizedName structure, with subtypes according to the different Codes of Nomenclature.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:attribute name="type" use="required">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                <xs:enumeration value="scientific"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="non-scientific"/>
          <xs:attribute name="status" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
      <xs:element name="AccordingTo" type="AccordingToType" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Information about the authorship of this concept which uses the Name in their sense (i.e. secundum, sensu).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Kingdom" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Kingdom of the concept.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Rank" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Rank of the concept (should be identical to that recorded in the Name).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Relationships" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Stores explicit, taxonomic and nomenclatural relationships that are part of the original concept definition.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="Relationship" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Type of the relationship [A]</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:extension base="RelationshipType">
                      <xs:element name="ToTaxonConcept" type="ReferenceType">
                          <xs:documentation>Reference to another TaxonConcept. [A]</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="SpecimenCircumscription" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>A set of specimens that are used to define the concept.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="CircumscribedBy" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Link to record of a specimen. [A]</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:extension base="ReferenceType">
                    <xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
                        <xs:documentation>May record the designated type-status of a specimen in relation to the circumscribed TaxonConcept,  according to the nomenclatural codes.</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                          <xs:enumeration value="epitype"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="holotype"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="isotype"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="lectotype"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="neotype"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="non-type"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="paratype"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="syntype"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="isosyntype"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="hapantotype"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="paralectotype"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="paratype"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="syntype"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="type"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="name-bearing type"/>
      <xs:element name="CharacterCircumscription" type="xs:anyType" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>A set of taxonomic descriptions used to define this concept. May potentially hold descriptions according to the TDWG SDD schema, or any other, format.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. </xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
        <xs:documentation>The optional enumerated type of the Concept may reflect which data elements are provided. Concepts of type 'empty' will contain no data other than the GUID of an external Concept.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:enumeration value="original"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="revision"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="incomplete"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="aggregate"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="nomenclatural"/>
    <xs:attribute name="primary" type="xs:boolean" use="optional">
        <xs:documentation>If primary='true' the concept is the first level response to a query. If 'false' the concept may be a secondary concept linked directly or indirectly to the definition of a primary concept.</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/Name
children NameSimple NameDetailed
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
type  xs:string  required      
status  xs:string  optional      
A non-unique handle to the concept. [A]
<xs:element name="Name">
    <xs:documentation>A non-unique handle to the concept. [A]</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="NameSimple" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Complete name as found in the data source. May require calculation from an atomized record of a name in the source data.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="NameDetailed" type="NameAtomizedType" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Atomized data items of the scientific name, if supplied by the source data. Uses the TDWG ABCD AtomizedName structure, with subtypes according to the different Codes of Nomenclature.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="type" use="required">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:enumeration value="scientific"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="non-scientific"/>
    <xs:attribute name="status" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/Name/NameSimple
type xs:string
Complete name as found in the data source. May require calculation from an atomized record of a name in the source data.
<xs:element name="NameSimple" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Complete name as found in the data source. May require calculation from an atomized record of a name in the source data.</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/Name/NameDetailed
type NameAtomizedType
children Bacterial Botanical Zoological Viral
Atomized data items of the scientific name, if supplied by the source data. Uses the TDWG ABCD AtomizedName structure, with subtypes according to the different Codes of Nomenclature.
<xs:element name="NameDetailed" type="NameAtomizedType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Atomized data items of the scientific name, if supplied by the source data. Uses the TDWG ABCD AtomizedName structure, with subtypes according to the different Codes of Nomenclature.</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/AccordingTo
type AccordingToType
children AccordingToSimple AccordingToDetailed
Information about the authorship of this concept which uses the Name in their sense (i.e. secundum, sensu).
<xs:element name="AccordingTo" type="AccordingToType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Information about the authorship of this concept which uses the Name in their sense (i.e. secundum, sensu).</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/Kingdom
Kingdom of the concept.
<xs:element name="Kingdom" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Kingdom of the concept.</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/Rank
type xs:string
Rank of the concept (should be identical to that recorded in the Name).
<xs:element name="Rank" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Rank of the concept (should be identical to that recorded in the Name).</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/Relationships
children Relationship
Stores explicit, taxonomic and nomenclatural relationships that are part of the original concept definition.
<xs:element name="Relationships" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Stores explicit, taxonomic and nomenclatural relationships that are part of the original concept definition.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Relationship" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Type of the relationship [A]</xs:documentation>
            <xs:extension base="RelationshipType">
                <xs:element name="ToTaxonConcept" type="ReferenceType">
                    <xs:documentation>Reference to another TaxonConcept. [A]</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/Relationships/Relationship
type extension of RelationshipType
children ToTaxonConcept
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
type  xs:string  required      
Any of an enumerated list of possible taxonomic and nomenclatural relationships that may be expressed between two TaxonConcepts.
Type of the relationship [A]
<xs:element name="Relationship" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Type of the relationship [A]</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="RelationshipType">
          <xs:element name="ToTaxonConcept" type="ReferenceType">
              <xs:documentation>Reference to another TaxonConcept. [A]</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/Relationships/Relationship/ToTaxonConcept
type ReferenceType
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
ref  xs:NMTOKEN        
Points to a top-level element via an ID reference; use gref to reference an external entity via a GUID. 
Reference to another TaxonConcept. [A]
<xs:element name="ToTaxonConcept" type="ReferenceType">
    <xs:documentation>Reference to another TaxonConcept. [A]</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/SpecimenCircumscription
children CircumscribedBy
A set of specimens that are used to define the concept.
<xs:element name="SpecimenCircumscription" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>A set of specimens that are used to define the concept.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="CircumscribedBy" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Link to record of a specimen. [A]</xs:documentation>
            <xs:extension base="ReferenceType">
              <xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
                  <xs:documentation>May record the designated type-status of a specimen in relation to the circumscribed TaxonConcept,  according to the nomenclatural codes.</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                    <xs:enumeration value="epitype"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="holotype"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="isotype"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="lectotype"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="neotype"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="non-type"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="paratype"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="syntype"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="isosyntype"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="hapantotype"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="paralectotype"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="paratype"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="syntype"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="type"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="name-bearing type"/>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/SpecimenCircumscription/CircumscribedBy
type extension of ReferenceType
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
ref  xs:NMTOKEN        
Points to a top-level element via an ID reference; use gref to reference an external entity via a GUID. 
type  xs:string  optional      
May record the designated type-status of a specimen in relation to the circumscribed TaxonConcept,  according to the nomenclatural codes.
Link to record of a specimen. [A]
<xs:element name="CircumscribedBy" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Link to record of a specimen. [A]</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="ReferenceType">
        <xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
            <xs:documentation>May record the designated type-status of a specimen in relation to the circumscribed TaxonConcept,  according to the nomenclatural codes.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
              <xs:enumeration value="epitype"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="holotype"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="isotype"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="lectotype"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="neotype"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="non-type"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="paratype"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="syntype"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="isosyntype"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="hapantotype"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="paralectotype"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="paratype"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="syntype"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="type"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="name-bearing type"/>

element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/CharacterCircumscription
type xs:anyType
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
A set of taxonomic descriptions used to define this concept. May potentially hold descriptions according to the TDWG SDD schema, or any other, format.
<xs:element name="CharacterCircumscription" type="xs:anyType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>A set of taxonomic descriptions used to define this concept. May potentially hold descriptions according to the TDWG SDD schema, or any other, format.</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/RelationshipAssertions
children RelationshipAssertion
Container for taxonomic assertion records.
<xs:element name="RelationshipAssertions">
    <xs:documentation>Container for taxonomic assertion records.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="RelationshipAssertion" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Relationships between two concepts which are not part of the original definition of either of these concepts; possibly by a third party. [A] </xs:documentation>
            <xs:extension base="RelationshipType">
              <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
                <xs:element name="AccordingTo" type="AccordingToType">
                    <xs:documentation>Information about the authorship of the asserted relationship.</xs:documentation>
                <xs:element name="FromTaxonConcept">
                    <xs:documentation>Starting point of the directed relationship. A reference to a TaxonConcept.</xs:documentation>
                      <xs:extension base="ReferenceType"/>
                <xs:element name="ToTaxonConcept">
                    <xs:documentation>End point of the directed relationship. A reference to a TaxonConcept.</xs:documentation>
                      <xs:extension base="ReferenceType"/>
              <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
                  <xs:documentation>Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. </xs:documentation>

element DataSet/RelationshipAssertions/RelationshipAssertion
type extension of RelationshipType
children AccordingTo FromTaxonConcept ToTaxonConcept
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
type  xs:string  required      
Any of an enumerated list of possible taxonomic and nomenclatural relationships that may be expressed between two TaxonConcepts.
id  xs:NMTOKEN  required      
Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. 
Relationships between two concepts which are not part of the original definition of either of these concepts; possibly by a third party. [A] 
<xs:element name="RelationshipAssertion" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Relationships between two concepts which are not part of the original definition of either of these concepts; possibly by a third party. [A] </xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="RelationshipType">
        <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
          <xs:element name="AccordingTo" type="AccordingToType">
              <xs:documentation>Information about the authorship of the asserted relationship.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="FromTaxonConcept">
              <xs:documentation>Starting point of the directed relationship. A reference to a TaxonConcept.</xs:documentation>
                <xs:extension base="ReferenceType"/>
          <xs:element name="ToTaxonConcept">
              <xs:documentation>End point of the directed relationship. A reference to a TaxonConcept.</xs:documentation>
                <xs:extension base="ReferenceType"/>
        <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
            <xs:documentation>Unique identifier (key) of the element. It can be local to the data set or a GUID in which case it can be resolved to a location on the internet where the record is stored. </xs:documentation>

element DataSet/RelationshipAssertions/RelationshipAssertion/AccordingTo
type AccordingToType
children AccordingToSimple AccordingToDetailed
Information about the authorship of the asserted relationship.
<xs:element name="AccordingTo" type="AccordingToType">
    <xs:documentation>Information about the authorship of the asserted relationship.</xs:documentation>

element DataSet/RelationshipAssertions/RelationshipAssertion/FromTaxonConcept
type extension of ReferenceType
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
ref  xs:NMTOKEN        
Points to a top-level element via an ID reference; use gref to reference an external entity via a GUID. 
Starting point of the directed relationship. A reference to a TaxonConcept.
<xs:element name="FromTaxonConcept">
    <xs:documentation>Starting point of the directed relationship. A reference to a TaxonConcept.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="ReferenceType"/>

element DataSet/RelationshipAssertions/RelationshipAssertion/ToTaxonConcept
type extension of ReferenceType
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
ref  xs:NMTOKEN        
Points to a top-level element via an ID reference; use gref to reference an external entity via a GUID. 
End point of the directed relationship. A reference to a TaxonConcept.
<xs:element name="ToTaxonConcept">
    <xs:documentation>End point of the directed relationship. A reference to a TaxonConcept.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="ReferenceType"/>

complexType AccordingToType
children AccordingToSimple AccordingToDetailed
used by
elements DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/AccordingTo DataSet/RelationshipAssertions/RelationshipAssertion/AccordingTo
Describes the origin of the concept or assertion.
<xs:complexType name="AccordingToType">
    <xs:documentation>Describes the origin of the concept or assertion.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="AccordingToSimple" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Abbreviation of the author team as used in the data source.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="AccordingToDetailed" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Details provided by the data source about the concept or relationship authors.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="AuthorTeam" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
              <xs:documentation>String representation of  who was responsible for creating a particular concept or relationship, as represented in the source data. May be a subset of the publication authors.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="Date" type="DateTimeISOType" minOccurs="0">
              <xs:documentation>Time of creation of the concept or relationship .</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="PublishedIn" minOccurs="0">
              <xs:documentation>Reference ID or GUID of the original publication in which the concept or relationship was introduced. [A]</xs:documentation>
                <xs:extension base="ReferenceType">
                    <xs:element name="MicroReference" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                        <xs:documentation>Specifies a location (e.g. page or paragraph) within the publication.</xs:documentation>

element AccordingToType/AccordingToSimple
type xs:string
Abbreviation of the author team as used in the data source.
<xs:element name="AccordingToSimple" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Abbreviation of the author team as used in the data source.</xs:documentation>

element AccordingToType/AccordingToDetailed
children AuthorTeam Date PublishedIn
Details provided by the data source about the concept or relationship authors.
<xs:element name="AccordingToDetailed" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Details provided by the data source about the concept or relationship authors.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="AuthorTeam" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>String representation of  who was responsible for creating a particular concept or relationship, as represented in the source data. May be a subset of the publication authors.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Date" type="DateTimeISOType" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Time of creation of the concept or relationship .</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="PublishedIn" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Reference ID or GUID of the original publication in which the concept or relationship was introduced. [A]</xs:documentation>
            <xs:extension base="ReferenceType">
                <xs:element name="MicroReference" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                    <xs:documentation>Specifies a location (e.g. page or paragraph) within the publication.</xs:documentation>

element AccordingToType/AccordingToDetailed/AuthorTeam
type xs:string
String representation of  who was responsible for creating a particular concept or relationship, as represented in the source data. May be a subset of the publication authors.
<xs:element name="AuthorTeam" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>String representation of  who was responsible for creating a particular concept or relationship, as represented in the source data. May be a subset of the publication authors.</xs:documentation>

element AccordingToType/AccordingToDetailed/Date
type DateTimeISOType
Time of creation of the concept or relationship .
<xs:element name="Date" type="DateTimeISOType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Time of creation of the concept or relationship .</xs:documentation>

element AccordingToType/AccordingToDetailed/PublishedIn
type extension of ReferenceType
children MicroReference
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
ref  xs:NMTOKEN        
Points to a top-level element via an ID reference; use gref to reference an external entity via a GUID. 
Reference ID or GUID of the original publication in which the concept or relationship was introduced. [A]
<xs:element name="PublishedIn" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Reference ID or GUID of the original publication in which the concept or relationship was introduced. [A]</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="ReferenceType">
          <xs:element name="MicroReference" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
              <xs:documentation>Specifies a location (e.g. page or paragraph) within the publication.</xs:documentation>

element AccordingToType/AccordingToDetailed/PublishedIn/MicroReference
type xs:string
Specifies a location (e.g. page or paragraph) within the publication.
<xs:element name="MicroReference" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Specifies a location (e.g. page or paragraph) within the publication.</xs:documentation>

complexType ReferenceType
used by
elements DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/SpecimenCircumscription/CircumscribedBy DataSet/RelationshipAssertions/RelationshipAssertion/FromTaxonConcept AccordingToType/AccordingToDetailed/PublishedIn DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/Relationships/Relationship/ToTaxonConcept DataSet/RelationshipAssertions/RelationshipAssertion/ToTaxonConcept
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
ref  xs:NMTOKEN        
Points to a top-level element via an ID reference; use gref to reference an external entity via a GUID. 
Reference to an entity defined elsewhere (equivalent to a foreign key)
<xs:complexType name="ReferenceType">
    <xs:documentation>Reference to an entity defined elsewhere (equivalent to a foreign key)</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:NMTOKEN">
      <xs:documentation>Points to a top-level element via an ID reference; use gref to reference an external entity via a GUID. </xs:documentation>

complexType RelationshipType
used by
elements DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/Relationships/Relationship DataSet/RelationshipAssertions/RelationshipAssertion
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
type  xs:string  required      
Any of an enumerated list of possible taxonomic and nomenclatural relationships that may be expressed between two TaxonConcepts.
Type attribute describe the type of relationship
<xs:complexType name="RelationshipType">
    <xs:documentation>Type attribute describe the type of relationship</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="type" use="required">
      <xs:documentation>Any of an enumerated list of possible taxonomic and nomenclatural relationships that may be expressed between two TaxonConcepts.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        <xs:enumeration value="is congruent to"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is not congruent to"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="includes"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="does not include"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="excludes"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is included in"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is not included in"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is child of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is parent of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="overlaps"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="does not overlap"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is type of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has type"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is basionym for"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has basionym"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is vernacular for"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has vernacular"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is conserved against"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has conserved name"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has conserved type"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is conserved type of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is heterotypic synonym of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is homotypic synonym of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is later homonym of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has later homonym"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is treated as later homonym of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has homonym treated as later "/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is lectotypification of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has lectotypification"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is neotypification of "/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has neotypification"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is orthographic variant of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is misapplied name for"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has misapplied name "/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is nomen novum for"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has nomen novum "/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is not a synonym of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is partial synonym of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is pro parte synonym of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is recombination of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has recombination"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is rejected in favour of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has rejected name"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is rejected type of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has rejected type"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is replaced synonym for"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has replaced synonym"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is synonym of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is validation of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has validation"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is epitypification of "/>
        <xs:enumeration value="has epitypification"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is anamorph of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is teleomorph of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is second parent of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is female parent of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is first parent of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is male parent of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is hybrid parent of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is hybrid child of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="doubtful"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is ambiregnal of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is equivalent of"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is sanctioned by"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="is sanctioning"/>

complexType NameAtomizedType
children Bacterial Botanical Zoological Viral
used by
element DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/Name/NameDetailed
Atomized data items of the scientific name, with subtypes according to the different Codes of Nomenclature.
<sea:FullName>Higher taxa</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Reviewer>Berendsohn 02 Mar 2003</sea:Reviewer>
<sea:Comment>Mandatory (at least one) for unit identifications, but optional in other contexts (e.g. synecology).</sea:Comment>/>
<xs:complexType name="NameAtomizedType">
    <xs:documentation>Atomized data items of the scientific name, with subtypes according to the different Codes of Nomenclature.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Higher taxa</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Reviewer>Berendsohn 02 Mar 2003</sea:Reviewer>
      <sea:Comment>Mandatory (at least one) for unit identifications, but optional in other contexts (e.g. synecology).</sea:Comment>/>
    <xs:element name="Bacterial" type="NameBacterialType" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="Botanical" type="NameBotanicalType" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="Zoological" type="NameZoologicalType" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="Viral" type="NameViralType" minOccurs="0"/>

element NameAtomizedType/Bacterial
type NameBacterialType
children Genus Subgenus SubgenusAuthorAndYear SpeciesEpithet SubspeciesEpithet ParentheticalAuthorTeamAndYear AuthorTeamAndYear NameApprobation
<xs:element name="Bacterial" type="NameBacterialType" minOccurs="0"/>

element NameAtomizedType/Botanical
type NameBotanicalType
children GenusOrMonomial FirstEpithet SecondEpithet Rank HybridFlag AuthorTeamParenthesis AuthorTeam CultivatedPlantNameElements
<xs:element name="Botanical" type="NameBotanicalType" minOccurs="0"/>

element NameAtomizedType/Zoological
type NameZoologicalType
children GenusOrMonomial Subgenus SpeciesEpithet SubspeciesEpithet AuthorTeamOriginalAndYear AuthorTeamParenthesisAndYear CombinationAuthorTeamAndYear Breed NamedIndividual
<xs:element name="Zoological" type="NameZoologicalType" minOccurs="0"/>

element NameAtomizedType/Viral
type NameViralType
children Genus ViralSpeciesDesignation
<xs:element name="Viral" type="NameViralType" minOccurs="0"/>

complexType NameBacterialType
children Genus Subgenus SubgenusAuthorAndYear SpeciesEpithet SubspeciesEpithet ParentheticalAuthorTeamAndYear AuthorTeamAndYear NameApprobation
used by
element NameAtomizedType/Bacterial
An atomized name under the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria
<xs:complexType name="NameBacterialType">
    <xs:documentation>An atomized name under the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="Genus" type="GenusType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Genus name.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>A generic name as a bacterial scientific name or as part of it.</sea:Content>
          <sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
          <sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
          <sea:EditorialNote>Generic names are essentially the same under the different codes; however, to avoid having to place the essential parts of a name on different levels of the hierarchy, all name elements recognized under a specific code are listed in the respective section.</sea:EditorialNote>
    <xs:element name="Subgenus" type="GenusType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Subgenus name.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>A subgenus name as (part of) a bacterial scientific name.</sea:Content>
          <sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
          <sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
    <xs:element name="SubgenusAuthorAndYear" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Author team and year of the subgenus name.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:FullName>Author team and year of subgenus.</sea:FullName>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:Content>Author(s) and year of the subgenus name.</sea:Content>
          <sea:Example>Yamada and Kondo 1985</sea:Example>
    <xs:element name="SpeciesEpithet" type="EpithetType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Species epithet</xs:documentation>
          <sea:FullName>Species epithet</sea:FullName>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Species.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>The first epithet occurring in a bacterial name (after genus and, optionally, subgenus names)</sea:Content>
    <xs:element name="SubspeciesEpithet" type="EpithetType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Maps to Darwin Core 2: Subspecies</xs:documentation>
          <sea:FullName>Subspecies epithet</sea:FullName>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Subspecies.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>The second epithet of a bacterial name of subspecies rank (after Genus, optional subgenus, and species epithet).</sea:Content>
    <xs:element name="ParentheticalAuthorTeamAndYear" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Author team and Year of the basionym of a species or subspecies combination.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:FullName>Author team and year</sea:FullName>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: has Basionym (basnam) as an element but not the author team.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>Author(s) of the original name for a taxon which has subsequently been revised but retains the same stem or epithet.</sea:Content>
    <xs:element name="AuthorTeamAndYear" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>The author(s) who published the full name as it stands and its year.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:FullName>Author team and year</sea:FullName>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:Content>Author(s) for the taxonomic name combination (i.e. the author team of the new combination where there is a basionym, and the name author  team where there is none).</sea:Content>
          <sea:Example>Yamada and Kondo</sea:Example>
          <sea:Example>Ames and Correll</sea:Example>
    <xs:element name="NameApprobation" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Approbation of name according to approved list, validation list,or validly published, paper in IJSB after 1980.</xs:documentation>

element NameBacterialType/Genus
type GenusType
Genus name.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>A generic name as a bacterial scientific name or as part of it.</sea:Content>
<sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
<sea:EditorialNote>Generic names are essentially the same under the different codes; however, to avoid having to place the essential parts of a name on different levels of the hierarchy, all name elements recognized under a specific code are listed in the respective section.</sea:EditorialNote>
<xs:element name="Genus" type="GenusType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Genus name.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>A generic name as a bacterial scientific name or as part of it.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
      <sea:EditorialNote>Generic names are essentially the same under the different codes; however, to avoid having to place the essential parts of a name on different levels of the hierarchy, all name elements recognized under a specific code are listed in the respective section.</sea:EditorialNote>

element NameBacterialType/Subgenus
type GenusType
Subgenus name.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>A subgenus name as (part of) a bacterial scientific name.</sea:Content>
<sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
<xs:element name="Subgenus" type="GenusType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Subgenus name.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>A subgenus name as (part of) a bacterial scientific name.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>

element NameBacterialType/SubgenusAuthorAndYear
type xs:string
Author team and year of the subgenus name.
<sea:FullName>Author team and year of subgenus.</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Content>Author(s) and year of the subgenus name.</sea:Content>
<sea:Example>Yamada and Kondo 1985</sea:Example>
<xs:element name="SubgenusAuthorAndYear" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Author team and year of the subgenus name.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Author team and year of subgenus.</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Content>Author(s) and year of the subgenus name.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Example>Yamada and Kondo 1985</sea:Example>

element NameBacterialType/SpeciesEpithet
type EpithetType
Species epithet
<sea:FullName>Species epithet</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Species.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>The first epithet occurring in a bacterial name (after genus and, optionally, subgenus names)</sea:Content>
<xs:element name="SpeciesEpithet" type="EpithetType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Species epithet</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Species epithet</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Species.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>The first epithet occurring in a bacterial name (after genus and, optionally, subgenus names)</sea:Content>

element NameBacterialType/SubspeciesEpithet
type EpithetType
Maps to Darwin Core 2: Subspecies
<sea:FullName>Subspecies epithet</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Subspecies.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>The second epithet of a bacterial name of subspecies rank (after Genus, optional subgenus, and species epithet).</sea:Content>
<xs:element name="SubspeciesEpithet" type="EpithetType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Maps to Darwin Core 2: Subspecies</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Subspecies epithet</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Subspecies.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>The second epithet of a bacterial name of subspecies rank (after Genus, optional subgenus, and species epithet).</sea:Content>

element NameBacterialType/ParentheticalAuthorTeamAndYear
type xs:string
Author team and Year of the basionym of a species or subspecies combination.
<sea:FullName>Author team and year</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: has Basionym (basnam) as an element but not the author team.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>Author(s) of the original name for a taxon which has subsequently been revised but retains the same stem or epithet.</sea:Content>
<xs:element name="ParentheticalAuthorTeamAndYear" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Author team and Year of the basionym of a species or subspecies combination.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Author team and year</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: has Basionym (basnam) as an element but not the author team.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>Author(s) of the original name for a taxon which has subsequently been revised but retains the same stem or epithet.</sea:Content>

element NameBacterialType/AuthorTeamAndYear
type xs:string
The author(s) who published the full name as it stands and its year.
<sea:FullName>Author team and year</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Content>Author(s) for the taxonomic name combination (i.e. the author team of the new combination where there is a basionym, and the name author  team where there is none).</sea:Content>
<sea:Example>Yamada and Kondo</sea:Example>
<sea:Example>Ames and Correll</sea:Example>
<xs:element name="AuthorTeamAndYear" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The author(s) who published the full name as it stands and its year.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Author team and year</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Content>Author(s) for the taxonomic name combination (i.e. the author team of the new combination where there is a basionym, and the name author  team where there is none).</sea:Content>
      <sea:Example>Yamada and Kondo</sea:Example>
      <sea:Example>Ames and Correll</sea:Example>

element NameBacterialType/NameApprobation
type xs:string
Approbation of name according to approved list, validation list,or validly published, paper in IJSB after 1980.
<xs:element name="NameApprobation" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Approbation of name according to approved list, validation list,or validly published, paper in IJSB after 1980.</xs:documentation>

complexType NameBotanicalType
children GenusOrMonomial FirstEpithet SecondEpithet Rank HybridFlag AuthorTeamParenthesis AuthorTeam CultivatedPlantNameElements
used by
element NameAtomizedType/Botanical
An atomized scientific name under the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature or the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants
<xs:complexType name="NameBotanicalType">
    <xs:documentation>An atomized scientific name under the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature or the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="GenusOrMonomial" type="GenusType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Genus name.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID: Genus Name (gen) as to content, not all rules.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>A generic name as a botancal scientific name or as part of it. A generic name under one of the established nomenclatural codes, or a manuscript name, or an intergeneric hybrid name under the ICBN, without the leading multiplication sign,  or the name of an intergeneric graft hybrid or graft chimaera, published under the Cultivated Code.</sea:Content>
          <sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
          <sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
          <sea:EditorialNote>Generic names are essentially the same under the different codes; however, to avoid having to place the essential parts of a name on different levels of the hierarchy, all name elements recognized under a specific code are listed in the respective section.</sea:EditorialNote>
    <xs:element name="FirstEpithet" type="EpithetType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>The first epithet in a botanical name combination.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:FullName>First epithet</sea:FullName>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID 3: "Subgeneric Group Name" (subgen) but without the preceding rank abbreviation (entered under Rank).</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID 3: "Species Epithet" (sp).</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Species (included).</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>The first epithet in a botanical name combination, i.e. the epithet of a genus subdivision or a species epithet.</sea:Content>
          <sea:Rule>No uppercase</sea:Rule>
          <sea:Rule>No space</sea:Rule>
    <xs:element name="SecondEpithet" type="EpithetType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>The second epithet of a botanical name of infraspecific rank.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:FullName>Second epithet</sea:FullName>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID: "Infraspecific Epithet" (isp) without the hybrid parts.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Subspecies (included).</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>The infraspecific epithet, i.e. the epithet following the indication of the infraspecific rank in the name string</sea:Content>
          <sea:Rule>No uppercase</sea:Rule>
          <sea:Rule>No space</sea:Rule>
    <xs:element name="Rank" type="RankAbbreviationType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>The rank of the name where  needed to form it.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID: covers "Infraspecific Rank Flag" (isprk) as well as the rank ("group") of a "subgeneric group name" given in that field.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>The rank of the name where  needed to form it (i.e. in infraspecies and in names of a rank between genus and species)</sea:Content>
    <xs:element name="HybridFlag" type="HybridFlagType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Flag indicating that this is a named hybrid or a graft chimaera.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID: Hybrid Flag (hyb) .</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>Flag indicating that this is a named hybrid or a graft chimaera. Attribute Rank defines if this applies to the generic, species, or infraspecific level.</sea:Content>
    <xs:element name="AuthorTeamParenthesis" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Author team of the basionym of a combination.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: has Basionym (basnam) as an element but not the author team.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>Author(s) of the original name for a taxon which has subsequently been revised but retains the same stem or epithet. May be preceded by a sanctioning author. If possible, preceding "ex" authors should be avoided.</sea:Content>
          <sea:Example>Ames and Correll</sea:Example>
    <xs:element name="AuthorTeam" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>The author(s) who published the full name as it stands.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:FullName>Author team</sea:FullName>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:Content>Author(s) for the taxonomic name combination (i.e. the author team of the new combination where there is a basionym, and the name author  team where there is none).  May be preceded by a sanctioning author. If possible, preceding "ex" authors should be avoided.</sea:Content>
          <sea:Example>Ames and Correll</sea:Example>
    <xs:element name="CultivatedPlantNameElements" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Horticultural and trade name element for plants</xs:documentation>
          <sea:FullName>Cultivated plant name elements</sea:FullName>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:Content>Horticultural and trade name element for plants</sea:Content>
          <xs:element name="CultivarGroupName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
              <xs:documentation>Cultivar group name</xs:documentation>
                <sea:FullName>Cultivar group name</sea:FullName>
                <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
                <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: culgnam</sea:ExistingStandard>
                <sea:Content>The name of a cultivar group as specified in the ICNCP.</sea:Content>
                <sea:Example>Granny Smith Group</sea:Example>
          <xs:element name="CultivarName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
              <xs:documentation>Cultivar name according to the ICNCP.</xs:documentation>
                <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
                <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: culnam</sea:ExistingStandard>
                <sea:Content>The name of a cultivar as specified in the ICNCP.</sea:Content>
                <sea:Example>Granny Smith</sea:Example>
                <sea:Example>Sturmer Pippin</sea:Example>
                <sea:Rule>For output, cultivar names must be enclosed in single quotes.</sea:Rule>
          <xs:element name="TradeDesignationName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xs:documentation>Trade name used for a specific cultivar</xs:documentation>
                <sea:FullName>Trade name</sea:FullName>
                <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
                <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: tranam</sea:ExistingStandard>
                <sea:Content>A trade name of a cultivar as specified in the ICNCP.</sea:Content>

element NameBotanicalType/GenusOrMonomial
type GenusType
Genus name.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID: Genus Name (gen) as to content, not all rules.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>A generic name as a botancal scientific name or as part of it. A generic name under one of the established nomenclatural codes, or a manuscript name, or an intergeneric hybrid name under the ICBN, without the leading multiplication sign,  or the name of an intergeneric graft hybrid or graft chimaera, published under the Cultivated Code.</sea:Content>
<sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
<sea:EditorialNote>Generic names are essentially the same under the different codes; however, to avoid having to place the essential parts of a name on different levels of the hierarchy, all name elements recognized under a specific code are listed in the respective section.</sea:EditorialNote>
<xs:element name="GenusOrMonomial" type="GenusType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Genus name.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID: Genus Name (gen) as to content, not all rules.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>A generic name as a botancal scientific name or as part of it. A generic name under one of the established nomenclatural codes, or a manuscript name, or an intergeneric hybrid name under the ICBN, without the leading multiplication sign,  or the name of an intergeneric graft hybrid or graft chimaera, published under the Cultivated Code.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
      <sea:EditorialNote>Generic names are essentially the same under the different codes; however, to avoid having to place the essential parts of a name on different levels of the hierarchy, all name elements recognized under a specific code are listed in the respective section.</sea:EditorialNote>

element NameBotanicalType/FirstEpithet
type EpithetType
The first epithet in a botanical name combination.
<sea:FullName>First epithet</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID 3: "Subgeneric Group Name" (subgen) but without the preceding rank abbreviation (entered under Rank).</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID 3: "Species Epithet" (sp).</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Species (included).</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>The first epithet in a botanical name combination, i.e. the epithet of a genus subdivision or a species epithet.</sea:Content>
<sea:Rule>No uppercase</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule>No space</sea:Rule>
<xs:element name="FirstEpithet" type="EpithetType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The first epithet in a botanical name combination.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>First epithet</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID 3: "Subgeneric Group Name" (subgen) but without the preceding rank abbreviation (entered under Rank).</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID 3: "Species Epithet" (sp).</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Species (included).</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>The first epithet in a botanical name combination, i.e. the epithet of a genus subdivision or a species epithet.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Rule>No uppercase</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule>No space</sea:Rule>

element NameBotanicalType/SecondEpithet
type EpithetType
The second epithet of a botanical name of infraspecific rank.
<sea:FullName>Second epithet</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID: "Infraspecific Epithet" (isp) without the hybrid parts.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Subspecies (included).</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>The infraspecific epithet, i.e. the epithet following the indication of the infraspecific rank in the name string</sea:Content>
<sea:Rule>No uppercase</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule>No space</sea:Rule>
<xs:element name="SecondEpithet" type="EpithetType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The second epithet of a botanical name of infraspecific rank.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Second epithet</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID: "Infraspecific Epithet" (isp) without the hybrid parts.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Subspecies (included).</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>The infraspecific epithet, i.e. the epithet following the indication of the infraspecific rank in the name string</sea:Content>
      <sea:Rule>No uppercase</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule>No space</sea:Rule>

element NameBotanicalType/Rank
type RankAbbreviationType
enumeration subgen.
enumeration sect.
enumeration subsp.
enumeration ssp.
enumeration var.
enumeration subvar.
enumeration forma
enumeration f.
enumeration subforma
enumeration subf.
enumeration formaSPACEspec.
enumeration formaSPACEspecialis
enumeration f.SPACEspec.
The rank of the name where  needed to form it.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID: covers "Infraspecific Rank Flag" (isprk) as well as the rank ("group") of a "subgeneric group name" given in that field.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>The rank of the name where  needed to form it (i.e. in infraspecies and in names of a rank between genus and species)</sea:Content>
<xs:element name="Rank" type="RankAbbreviationType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The rank of the name where  needed to form it.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID: covers "Infraspecific Rank Flag" (isprk) as well as the rank ("group") of a "subgeneric group name" given in that field.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>The rank of the name where  needed to form it (i.e. in infraspecies and in names of a rank between genus and species)</sea:Content>

element NameBotanicalType/HybridFlag
type HybridFlagType
Flag indicating that this is a named hybrid or a graft chimaera.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID: Hybrid Flag (hyb) .</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>Flag indicating that this is a named hybrid or a graft chimaera. Attribute Rank defines if this applies to the generic, species, or infraspecific level.</sea:Content>
<xs:element name="HybridFlag" type="HybridFlagType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Flag indicating that this is a named hybrid or a graft chimaera.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID: Hybrid Flag (hyb) .</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>Flag indicating that this is a named hybrid or a graft chimaera. Attribute Rank defines if this applies to the generic, species, or infraspecific level.</sea:Content>

element NameBotanicalType/AuthorTeamParenthesis
type xs:string
Author team of the basionym of a combination.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: has Basionym (basnam) as an element but not the author team.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>Author(s) of the original name for a taxon which has subsequently been revised but retains the same stem or epithet. May be preceded by a sanctioning author. If possible, preceding "ex" authors should be avoided.</sea:Content>
<sea:Example>Ames and Correll</sea:Example>
<xs:element name="AuthorTeamParenthesis" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Author team of the basionym of a combination.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: has Basionym (basnam) as an element but not the author team.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>Author(s) of the original name for a taxon which has subsequently been revised but retains the same stem or epithet. May be preceded by a sanctioning author. If possible, preceding "ex" authors should be avoided.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Example>Ames and Correll</sea:Example>

element NameBotanicalType/AuthorTeam
type xs:string
The author(s) who published the full name as it stands.
<sea:FullName>Author team</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Content>Author(s) for the taxonomic name combination (i.e. the author team of the new combination where there is a basionym, and the name author  team where there is none).  May be preceded by a sanctioning author. If possible, preceding "ex" authors should be avoided.</sea:Content>
<sea:Example>Ames and Correll</sea:Example>
<xs:element name="AuthorTeam" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The author(s) who published the full name as it stands.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Author team</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Content>Author(s) for the taxonomic name combination (i.e. the author team of the new combination where there is a basionym, and the name author  team where there is none).  May be preceded by a sanctioning author. If possible, preceding "ex" authors should be avoided.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Example>Ames and Correll</sea:Example>

element NameBotanicalType/CultivatedPlantNameElements
children CultivarGroupName CultivarName TradeDesignationName
Horticultural and trade name element for plants
<sea:FullName>Cultivated plant name elements</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Content>Horticultural and trade name element for plants</sea:Content>
<xs:element name="CultivatedPlantNameElements" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Horticultural and trade name element for plants</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Cultivated plant name elements</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Content>Horticultural and trade name element for plants</sea:Content>
      <xs:element name="CultivarGroupName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Cultivar group name</xs:documentation>
            <sea:FullName>Cultivar group name</sea:FullName>
            <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
            <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: culgnam</sea:ExistingStandard>
            <sea:Content>The name of a cultivar group as specified in the ICNCP.</sea:Content>
            <sea:Example>Granny Smith Group</sea:Example>
      <xs:element name="CultivarName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Cultivar name according to the ICNCP.</xs:documentation>
            <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
            <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: culnam</sea:ExistingStandard>
            <sea:Content>The name of a cultivar as specified in the ICNCP.</sea:Content>
            <sea:Example>Granny Smith</sea:Example>
            <sea:Example>Sturmer Pippin</sea:Example>
            <sea:Rule>For output, cultivar names must be enclosed in single quotes.</sea:Rule>
      <xs:element name="TradeDesignationName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Trade name used for a specific cultivar</xs:documentation>
            <sea:FullName>Trade name</sea:FullName>
            <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
            <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: tranam</sea:ExistingStandard>
            <sea:Content>A trade name of a cultivar as specified in the ICNCP.</sea:Content>

element NameBotanicalType/CultivatedPlantNameElements/CultivarGroupName
type xs:string
Cultivar group name
<sea:FullName>Cultivar group name</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: culgnam</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>The name of a cultivar group as specified in the ICNCP.</sea:Content>
<sea:Example>Granny Smith Group</sea:Example>
<xs:element name="CultivarGroupName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Cultivar group name</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Cultivar group name</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: culgnam</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>The name of a cultivar group as specified in the ICNCP.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Example>Granny Smith Group</sea:Example>

element NameBotanicalType/CultivatedPlantNameElements/CultivarName
type xs:string
Cultivar name according to the ICNCP.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: culnam</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>The name of a cultivar as specified in the ICNCP.</sea:Content>
<sea:Example>Granny Smith</sea:Example>
<sea:Example>Sturmer Pippin</sea:Example>
<sea:Rule>For output, cultivar names must be enclosed in single quotes.</sea:Rule>
<xs:element name="CultivarName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Cultivar name according to the ICNCP.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: culnam</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>The name of a cultivar as specified in the ICNCP.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Example>Granny Smith</sea:Example>
      <sea:Example>Sturmer Pippin</sea:Example>
      <sea:Rule>For output, cultivar names must be enclosed in single quotes.</sea:Rule>

element NameBotanicalType/CultivatedPlantNameElements/TradeDesignationName
type xs:string
Trade name used for a specific cultivar
<sea:FullName>Trade name</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: tranam</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>A trade name of a cultivar as specified in the ICNCP.</sea:Content>
<xs:element name="TradeDesignationName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Trade name used for a specific cultivar</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Trade name</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>HISPID4: tranam</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>A trade name of a cultivar as specified in the ICNCP.</sea:Content>

complexType NameViralType
children Genus ViralSpeciesDesignation
used by
element NameAtomizedType/Viral
An atomized scientific name under the International Code of Virus Classification and Nomenclature
<xs:complexType name="NameViralType">
    <xs:documentation>An atomized scientific name under the International Code of Virus Classification and Nomenclature</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="Genus" type="GenusType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Genus name.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>A generic name as a scientific name of a virus or as part of it.</sea:Content>
          <sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
          <sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
          <sea:EditorialNote>Generic names are essentially the same under the different codes; however, to avoid having to place the essential parts of a name on different levels of the hierarchy, all name elements recognized under a specific code are listed in the respective section.</sea:EditorialNote>
    <xs:element name="ViralSpeciesDesignation" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>The non-latinised designation of a formal viral name. Examples: vaccinia virus; human herpes virus 2 (herpes simplex virus 2); poliovirus 1; Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus L-A; enterobacteria phage PRD1 [Source: ICTV].</xs:documentation>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>

element NameViralType/Genus
type GenusType
Genus name.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>A generic name as a scientific name of a virus or as part of it.</sea:Content>
<sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
<sea:EditorialNote>Generic names are essentially the same under the different codes; however, to avoid having to place the essential parts of a name on different levels of the hierarchy, all name elements recognized under a specific code are listed in the respective section.</sea:EditorialNote>
<xs:element name="Genus" type="GenusType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Genus name.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>A generic name as a scientific name of a virus or as part of it.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
      <sea:EditorialNote>Generic names are essentially the same under the different codes; however, to avoid having to place the essential parts of a name on different levels of the hierarchy, all name elements recognized under a specific code are listed in the respective section.</sea:EditorialNote>

element NameViralType/ViralSpeciesDesignation
type xs:string
The non-latinised designation of a formal viral name. Examples: vaccinia virus; human herpes virus 2 (herpes simplex virus 2); poliovirus 1; Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus L-A; enterobacteria phage PRD1 [Source: ICTV].
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<xs:element name="ViralSpeciesDesignation" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The non-latinised designation of a formal viral name. Examples: vaccinia virus; human herpes virus 2 (herpes simplex virus 2); poliovirus 1; Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus L-A; enterobacteria phage PRD1 [Source: ICTV].</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>

complexType NameZoologicalType
children GenusOrMonomial Subgenus SpeciesEpithet SubspeciesEpithet AuthorTeamOriginalAndYear AuthorTeamParenthesisAndYear CombinationAuthorTeamAndYear Breed NamedIndividual
used by
element NameAtomizedType/Zoological
An atomized scientific name under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
<xs:complexType name="NameZoologicalType">
    <xs:documentation>An atomized scientific name under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="GenusOrMonomial" type="GenusType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Genus name.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>A generic name as a zoological scientific name or as part of it.</sea:Content>
          <sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
          <sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
          <sea:EditorialNote>Generic names are essentially the same under the different codes; however, to avoid having to place the essential parts of a name on different levels of the hierarchy, all name elements recognized under a specific code are listed in the respective section.</sea:EditorialNote>
    <xs:element name="Subgenus" type="GenusType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Subgenus name.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>A subgenus name as a zoological scientific name or as part of it.</sea:Content>
          <sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
          <sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
    <xs:element name="SpeciesEpithet" type="EpithetType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Species epithet</xs:documentation>
          <sea:FullName>Species epithet</sea:FullName>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Species.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>The first epithet occurring in a zoological name (after genus and, optionally, subgenus names)</sea:Content>
    <xs:element name="SubspeciesEpithet" type="EpithetType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Maps to Darwin Core 2: Subspecies</xs:documentation>
          <sea:FullName>Subspecies epithet</sea:FullName>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Subspecies.</sea:ExistingStandard>
          <sea:Content>The second epithet of a zoological name of subspecies rank (after genus, optional subgenus, and species epithet).</sea:Content>
    <xs:element name="AuthorTeamOriginalAndYear" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>The first person(s) who validly published a species-group name and the year of publication.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:FullName>Original authors and year of publication.</sea:FullName>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:Content>The first person(s) who validly published a species-group name and the year of publication.</sea:Content>
    <xs:element name="AuthorTeamParenthesisAndYear" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>The parenthetical citation of the original author when a species-group was transferred to another genus and the year of the original publication.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:Content>Author(s) of the original name for a taxon which has subsequently been revised but retains the same stem or epithet and the year of the original publication.</sea:Content>
          <sea:Rule>Set in parenthesis upon output</sea:Rule>
    <xs:element name="CombinationAuthorTeamAndYear" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>The citation of the authors responsible for the new combination and the year of its publication.</xs:documentation>
          <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
          <sea:Content>The citation of the authors responsible for the new combination when a species-group is transferred to another genus and the year of publication of  the transfer.</sea:Content>
          <sea:Comment>Purely optional under the zoological code.</sea:Comment>
    <xs:element name="Breed" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Name of the breed of an animal</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="NamedIndividual" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

element NameZoologicalType/GenusOrMonomial
type GenusType
Genus name.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>A generic name as a zoological scientific name or as part of it.</sea:Content>
<sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
<sea:EditorialNote>Generic names are essentially the same under the different codes; however, to avoid having to place the essential parts of a name on different levels of the hierarchy, all name elements recognized under a specific code are listed in the respective section.</sea:EditorialNote>
<xs:element name="GenusOrMonomial" type="GenusType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Genus name.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>A generic name as a zoological scientific name or as part of it.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
      <sea:EditorialNote>Generic names are essentially the same under the different codes; however, to avoid having to place the essential parts of a name on different levels of the hierarchy, all name elements recognized under a specific code are listed in the respective section.</sea:EditorialNote>

element NameZoologicalType/Subgenus
type GenusType
Subgenus name.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>A subgenus name as a zoological scientific name or as part of it.</sea:Content>
<sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>
<xs:element name="Subgenus" type="GenusType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Subgenus name.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Genus.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>A subgenus name as a zoological scientific name or as part of it.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Rule>First letter capitalized</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule>No spaces included.</sea:Rule>

element NameZoologicalType/SpeciesEpithet
type EpithetType
Species epithet
<sea:FullName>Species epithet</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Species.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>The first epithet occurring in a zoological name (after genus and, optionally, subgenus names)</sea:Content>
<xs:element name="SpeciesEpithet" type="EpithetType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Species epithet</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Species epithet</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Species.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>The first epithet occurring in a zoological name (after genus and, optionally, subgenus names)</sea:Content>

element NameZoologicalType/SubspeciesEpithet
type EpithetType
Maps to Darwin Core 2: Subspecies
<sea:FullName>Subspecies epithet</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Subspecies.</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content>The second epithet of a zoological name of subspecies rank (after genus, optional subgenus, and species epithet).</sea:Content>
<xs:element name="SubspeciesEpithet" type="EpithetType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Maps to Darwin Core 2: Subspecies</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Subspecies epithet</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>Darwin Core 2: Subspecies.</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content>The second epithet of a zoological name of subspecies rank (after genus, optional subgenus, and species epithet).</sea:Content>

element NameZoologicalType/AuthorTeamOriginalAndYear
type xs:string
The first person(s) who validly published a species-group name and the year of publication.
<sea:FullName>Original authors and year of publication.</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Content>The first person(s) who validly published a species-group name and the year of publication.</sea:Content>
<xs:element name="AuthorTeamOriginalAndYear" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The first person(s) who validly published a species-group name and the year of publication.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Original authors and year of publication.</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Content>The first person(s) who validly published a species-group name and the year of publication.</sea:Content>

element NameZoologicalType/AuthorTeamParenthesisAndYear
type xs:string
The parenthetical citation of the original author when a species-group was transferred to another genus and the year of the original publication.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Content>Author(s) of the original name for a taxon which has subsequently been revised but retains the same stem or epithet and the year of the original publication.</sea:Content>
<sea:Rule>Set in parenthesis upon output</sea:Rule>
<xs:element name="AuthorTeamParenthesisAndYear" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The parenthetical citation of the original author when a species-group was transferred to another genus and the year of the original publication.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Content>Author(s) of the original name for a taxon which has subsequently been revised but retains the same stem or epithet and the year of the original publication.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Rule>Set in parenthesis upon output</sea:Rule>

element NameZoologicalType/CombinationAuthorTeamAndYear
type xs:string
The citation of the authors responsible for the new combination and the year of its publication.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Content>The citation of the authors responsible for the new combination when a species-group is transferred to another genus and the year of publication of  the transfer.</sea:Content>
<sea:Comment>Purely optional under the zoological code.</sea:Comment>
<xs:element name="CombinationAuthorTeamAndYear" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The citation of the authors responsible for the new combination and the year of its publication.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Content>The citation of the authors responsible for the new combination when a species-group is transferred to another genus and the year of publication of  the transfer.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Comment>Purely optional under the zoological code.</sea:Comment>

element NameZoologicalType/Breed
type xs:string
Name of the breed of an animal
<xs:element name="Breed" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Name of the breed of an animal</xs:documentation>

element NameZoologicalType/NamedIndividual
type xs:string
<xs:element name="NamedIndividual" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

simpleType DateTimeISOType
type xs:string
used by
elements DataSet/MetaData/CreationTime AccordingToType/AccordingToDetailed/Date
<xs:simpleType name="DateTimeISOType">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>

simpleType DateTimeISOType1
type restriction of xs:string
pattern \d\d\d\d(\-(0[1-9]|1[012])(\-((0[1-9])|1\d|2\d|3[01])( (0\d|1\d|2[0-3])(:[0-5]\d){0,2})?)?)?|\-\-(0[1-9]|1[012])(\-(0[1-9]|1\d|2\d|3[01]))?|\-\-\-(0[1-9]|1\d|2\d|3[01])
The date and time expressed in a way conforming to a subset of ISO 8601
<sea:FullName xml:lang="en">ISO/ANSI Date and Time</sea:FullName>
<sea:Content xml:lang="en">A representation of the date and time of (the beginning of) an event in ISO/ANSI standard structured format.</sea:Content>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Reviewer>M. Doering, A. Guentsch and W. Berendsohn 2003</sea:Reviewer>
<sea:ExistingStandard>ISO Standard 8601:1988</sea:ExistingStandard>
<sea:Content xml:lang="en">Any chronologically acceptable date and time in ISO/ANSI format</sea:Content>
<sea:Example xml:lang="en">1966-12-05T23:55:46</sea:Example>
<sea:Example xml:lang="en">1925-02-21</sea:Example>
<sea:Example xml:lang="en">1925-02</sea:Example>
<sea:Example xml:lang="en">1925</sea:Example>
<sea:Example xml:lang="en">--12-05T23:55:46</sea:Example>
<sea:Example xml:lang="en">---05T23:55</sea:Example>
<sea:Example xml:lang="en">1966-12-05T23:55</sea:Example>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">This field is a representation of the date and time in its structured form</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The values are in order Year-Month-Day, separated by hyphens, followed by the letter T and the time, in order Hour:Minutes:Seconds, separated by colons</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">Partial dates in the form of Year-Month or Year only are acceptable</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The year is expressed as a 4-digit value, left zero padded if necessary</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The year can be omitted, the month is than preceeded by two hyphens</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The year and the month can be omitted, the day is than preceeded by three hyphens</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The month of the year is expressed in as 2-digit value, left zero padded if necessary, ranging between 01 and 12</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The day of the month is expressed as a 2-digit value, left zero padded if necessary, ranging between 01 and 31.</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">Parts can be omitted from the right, whereas a year is replaced by '--' and only a day would look like '---31'.</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The hour is expressed as a 2-digit value, left zero padded if necessary, ranging between 01 and 31.</sea:Rule>
<sea:Comment xml:lang="en">This field will nearly always be a representation derived from the date on the specimen. The DateText field is available for recording verbatim date information for generalized or ambiguous dates.</sea:Comment>
<sea:Comment xml:lang="en">The year must be represented as four digits to avoid ambiguity between centuries. Month and Day values are left zero padded to two digits to facilitate machine readability.</sea:Comment>
<sea:Comment xml:lang="en">In the rare instances of multiple exact dates or periods those can be recorded in this DateText field.</sea:Comment>
<sea:Comment xml:lang="en">In the rare instances of dates for periods before the year 0000, BC and similar dates can be recorded in this DateText field.</sea:Comment>
<sea:Comment xml:lang="en">Parts can be omitted from the right, whereas a year is replaced by '--' and only a day would look like '---31'.</sea:Comment>
<sea:Comment xml:lang="en">In the ISO standard element, time can only be specified when there is a full date.</sea:Comment>
<xs:simpleType name="DateTimeISOType1">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">The date and time expressed in a way conforming to a subset of ISO 8601</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName xml:lang="en">ISO/ANSI Date and Time</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Content xml:lang="en">A representation of the date and time of (the beginning of) an event in ISO/ANSI standard structured format.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Reviewer>M. Doering, A. Guentsch and W. Berendsohn 2003</sea:Reviewer>
      <sea:ExistingStandard>ISO Standard 8601:1988</sea:ExistingStandard>
      <sea:Content xml:lang="en">Any chronologically acceptable date and time in ISO/ANSI format</sea:Content>
      <sea:Example xml:lang="en">1966-12-05T23:55:46</sea:Example>
      <sea:Example xml:lang="en">1925-02-21</sea:Example>
      <sea:Example xml:lang="en">1925-02</sea:Example>
      <sea:Example xml:lang="en">1925</sea:Example>
      <sea:Example xml:lang="en">--12-05T23:55:46</sea:Example>
      <sea:Example xml:lang="en">---05T23:55</sea:Example>
      <sea:Example xml:lang="en">1966-12-05T23:55</sea:Example>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">This field is a representation of the date and time in its structured form</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The values are in order Year-Month-Day, separated by hyphens, followed by the letter T and the time, in order Hour:Minutes:Seconds, separated by colons</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">Partial dates in the form of Year-Month or Year only are acceptable</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The year is expressed as a 4-digit value, left zero padded if necessary</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The year can be omitted, the month is than preceeded by two hyphens</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The year and the month can be omitted, the day is than preceeded by three hyphens</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The month of the year is expressed in as 2-digit value, left zero padded if necessary, ranging between 01 and 12</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The day of the month is expressed as a 2-digit value, left zero padded if necessary, ranging between 01 and 31.</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">Parts can be omitted from the right, whereas a year is replaced by '--' and only a day would look like '---31'.</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">The hour is expressed as a 2-digit value, left zero padded if necessary, ranging between 01 and 31.</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Comment xml:lang="en">This field will nearly always be a representation derived from the date on the specimen. The DateText field is available for recording verbatim date information for generalized or ambiguous dates.</sea:Comment>
      <sea:Comment xml:lang="en">The year must be represented as four digits to avoid ambiguity between centuries. Month and Day values are left zero padded to two digits to facilitate machine readability.</sea:Comment>
      <sea:Comment xml:lang="en">In the rare instances of multiple exact dates or periods those can be recorded in this DateText field.</sea:Comment>
      <sea:Comment xml:lang="en">In the rare instances of dates for periods before the year 0000, BC and similar dates can be recorded in this DateText field.</sea:Comment>
      <sea:Comment xml:lang="en">Parts can be omitted from the right, whereas a year is replaced by '--' and only a day would look like '---31'.</sea:Comment>
      <sea:Comment xml:lang="en">In the ISO standard element, time can only be specified when there is a full date.</sea:Comment>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:pattern value="\d\d\d\d(\-(0[1-9]|1[012])(\-((0[1-9])|1\d|2\d|3[01])( (0\d|1\d|2[0-3])(:[0-5]\d){0,2})?)?)?|\-\-(0[1-9]|1[012])(\-(0[1-9]|1\d|2\d|3[01]))?|\-\-\-(0[1-9]|1\d|2\d|3[01])"/>

simpleType EpithetType
type xs:string
used by
elements NameBotanicalType/FirstEpithet NameBotanicalType/SecondEpithet NameBacterialType/SpeciesEpithet NameZoologicalType/SpeciesEpithet NameBacterialType/SubspeciesEpithet NameZoologicalType/SubspeciesEpithet
A name element dependent on a genus name under the bacteriological, botanical, and zoological code.
<sea:FullName xml:lang="en">Epithet</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Reviewer>S.Blum 2003.  W. Berendsohn 12/2003.</sea:Reviewer>
<sea:EditorialNote xml:lang="en">Add existing standards [WGB].</sea:EditorialNote>
<xs:simpleType name="EpithetType">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">A name element dependent on a genus name under the bacteriological, botanical, and zoological code.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName xml:lang="en">Epithet</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Reviewer>S.Blum 2003.  W. Berendsohn 12/2003.</sea:Reviewer>
      <sea:EditorialNote xml:lang="en">Add existing standards [WGB].</sea:EditorialNote>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>

simpleType GenusType
type xs:string
used by
elements NameBacterialType/Genus NameViralType/Genus NameBotanicalType/GenusOrMonomial NameZoologicalType/GenusOrMonomial NameBacterialType/Subgenus NameZoologicalType/Subgenus
A generic name under the bacteriological, botanical, viral, and zoological code.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Reviewer>S.Blum 12/2002. W.Berendsohn 12/2003.</sea:Reviewer>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">First character must be upper case [A-Z]</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">Second and following characters must be lower case [a-z]</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">May not contain any other characters except dash.</sea:Rule>
<sea:EditorialNote>The rules above should apply to generic names under all codes; if an exception is discovered, the change in constraints should be implemented as an extension [SB]</sea:EditorialNote>
<xs:simpleType name="GenusType">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">A generic name under the bacteriological, botanical, viral, and zoological code.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Reviewer>S.Blum 12/2002. W.Berendsohn 12/2003.</sea:Reviewer>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">First character must be upper case [A-Z]</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">Second and following characters must be lower case [a-z]</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">May not contain any other characters except dash.</sea:Rule>
      <sea:EditorialNote>The rules above should apply to generic names under all codes; if an exception is discovered, the change in constraints should be implemented as an extension [SB]</sea:EditorialNote>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>

simpleType HigherTaxonRankType
type restriction of xs:Name
enumeration regnum
enumeration subregnum
enumeration superphylum
enumeration phylum
enumeration subphylum
enumeration superclassis
enumeration classis
enumeration subclassis
enumeration superordo
enumeration ordo
enumeration subordo
enumeration superfamilia
enumeration familia
enumeration subfamilia
enumeration tribus
enumeration genusSPACEgroup
enumeration unranked
A taxonomic rank designation above the rank of genus.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Reviewer>D.Hobern 10/2003. W.Berendsohn 12/2003</sea:Reviewer>
<sea:Content>The the fully spelled out rank value (in latin but for the "unranked" term and the "group" levels) that can be used as metadata for any name for a taxon of rank above the genus-level.</sea:Content>
<sea:Example xml:lang="en">Subphylum</sea:Example>
<sea:EditorialNote xml:lang="en">This is not  the abbreviation for a rank that is used in a botanical infraspecific name, as it appears in the name [WGB].</sea:EditorialNote>
<sea:EditorialNote xml:lang="en">Should this be an enumerated type, or will we have to split RankType into ICxN-specific, or even discipline-specific versions?  For example, the rank "Tribe" has different positions in Entomology and Ichthyology [DH].</sea:EditorialNote>
<sea:EditorialNote xml:lang="en">The controlled vocabulary must contain terms with spaces [WGB].</sea:EditorialNote>
<xs:simpleType name="HigherTaxonRankType">
    <xs:documentation>A taxonomic rank designation above the rank of genus.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Reviewer>D.Hobern 10/2003. W.Berendsohn 12/2003</sea:Reviewer>
      <sea:Content>The the fully spelled out rank value (in latin but for the "unranked" term and the "group" levels) that can be used as metadata for any name for a taxon of rank above the genus-level.</sea:Content>
      <sea:Example xml:lang="en">Subphylum</sea:Example>
      <sea:EditorialNote xml:lang="en">This is not  the abbreviation for a rank that is used in a botanical infraspecific name, as it appears in the name [WGB].</sea:EditorialNote>
      <sea:EditorialNote xml:lang="en">Should this be an enumerated type, or will we have to split RankType into ICxN-specific, or even discipline-specific versions?  For example, the rank "Tribe" has different positions in Entomology and Ichthyology [DH].</sea:EditorialNote>
      <sea:EditorialNote xml:lang="en">The controlled vocabulary must contain terms with spaces [WGB].</sea:EditorialNote>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:Name">
    <xs:enumeration value="regnum"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="subregnum"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="superphylum"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="phylum"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="subphylum"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="superclassis"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="classis"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="subclassis"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="superordo"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="ordo"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="subordo"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="superfamilia"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="familia"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="subfamilia"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="tribus"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="genusSPACEgroup"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="unranked"/>

simpleType HybridFlagType
type xs:string
used by
element NameBotanicalType/HybridFlag
A multiplication or plus sign designating a hybrid or draft chimaera in botany.
<sea:FullName>Hybrid or draft chimaera indicator</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Reviewer>.Berendsohn 12/2003.</sea:Reviewer>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">Only used for botanical names</sea:Rule>
<sea:Rule xml:lang="en">Can only be multiplication sign, plus sign, x or X</sea:Rule>
<xs:simpleType name="HybridFlagType">
    <xs:documentation>A multiplication or plus sign designating a hybrid or draft chimaera in botany.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Hybrid or draft chimaera indicator</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Reviewer>.Berendsohn 12/2003.</sea:Reviewer>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">Only used for botanical names</sea:Rule>
      <sea:Rule xml:lang="en">Can only be multiplication sign, plus sign, x or X</sea:Rule>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>

simpleType InstitutionCodeType
type xs:string
An abbreviated designation of an institution.
<sea:FullName>Unique institute designation</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Reviewer>Berendsohn 12/2003</sea:Reviewer>
<sea:Content>A globally unique designation of a collection holding institution or the name of the holder of a private collection.</sea:Content>
<xs:simpleType name="InstitutionCodeType">
    <xs:documentation>An abbreviated designation of an institution.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>Unique institute designation</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Reviewer>Berendsohn 12/2003</sea:Reviewer>
      <sea:Content>A globally unique designation of a collection holding institution or the name of the holder of a private collection.</sea:Content>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>

simpleType RankAbbreviationType
type restriction of xs:Name
used by
element NameBotanicalType/Rank
enumeration subgen.
enumeration sect.
enumeration subsp.
enumeration ssp.
enumeration var.
enumeration subvar.
enumeration forma
enumeration f.
enumeration subforma
enumeration subf.
enumeration formaSPACEspec.
enumeration formaSPACEspecialis
enumeration f.SPACEspec.
The abbreviation of a taxonomic rank as used in (botanical) name strings.
<sea:FullName xml:lang="en">Rank abbreviation</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Reviewer>W.Berendsohn 12/2003</sea:Reviewer>
<sea:Content xml:lang="en">This is the abbreviation for a rank that is used in a (botanical) infraspecific name or the subdividion of a genus, as it appears in the name.</sea:Content>
<sea:EditorialNote xml:lang="en">The controlled vocabulary must contain terms with spaces [WGB].</sea:EditorialNote>
<xs:simpleType name="RankAbbreviationType">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">The abbreviation of a taxonomic rank as used in (botanical) name strings.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName xml:lang="en">Rank abbreviation</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Reviewer>W.Berendsohn 12/2003</sea:Reviewer>
      <sea:Content xml:lang="en">This is the abbreviation for a rank that is used in a (botanical) infraspecific name or the subdividion of a genus, as it appears in the name.</sea:Content>
      <sea:EditorialNote xml:lang="en">The controlled vocabulary must contain terms with spaces [WGB].</sea:EditorialNote>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:Name">
    <xs:enumeration value="subgen."/>
    <xs:enumeration value="sect."/>
    <xs:enumeration value="subsp."/>
    <xs:enumeration value="ssp."/>
    <xs:enumeration value="var."/>
    <xs:enumeration value="subvar."/>
    <xs:enumeration value="forma"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="f."/>
    <xs:enumeration value="subforma"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="subf."/>
    <xs:enumeration value="formaSPACEspec."/>
    <xs:enumeration value="formaSPACEspecialis"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="f.SPACEspec."/>

simpleType RecordBasisType
type restriction of xs:Name
enumeration Specimen
enumeration Observation
enumeration DrawingSPACEorSPACEPhotograph
A standard designator for the nature of the object of the record.
<xs:simpleType name="RecordBasisType">
    <xs:documentation>A standard designator for the nature of the object of the record.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:Name">
    <xs:enumeration value="Specimen"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="Observation"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="DrawingSPACEorSPACEPhotograph"/>

simpleType RoleType
type xs:string
The role of an agent or contact.
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Reviewer>D.Hobern 11/2002. W.Berendsohn 12/2003.</sea:Reviewer>
<xs:simpleType name="RoleType">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">The role of an agent or contact.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Reviewer>D.Hobern 11/2002. W.Berendsohn 12/2003.</sea:Reviewer>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>

simpleType SystemIDType
type xs:NCName
Controlled identifiers used by the system.
<sea:FullName>System ID</sea:FullName>
<sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
<sea:Reviewer>Berendsohn 12/2003.</sea:Reviewer>
<sea:EditorialNote>Is this used [WGB]? What's an xs:NCName?</sea:EditorialNote>
<xs:simpleType name="SystemIDType">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Controlled identifiers used by the system.</xs:documentation>
      <sea:FullName>System ID</sea:FullName>
      <sea:Audience>CODATA TDWG</sea:Audience>
      <sea:Reviewer>Berendsohn 12/2003.</sea:Reviewer>
      <sea:EditorialNote>Is this used [WGB]? What's an xs:NCName?</sea:EditorialNote>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:NCName"/>

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